3 file conversion tools for the Linux command line | Opensource.com
https://opensource.com/life/16/10/3-file-conversion-tools-linux-command-line?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY With those tools you can convert documents, markup, audio and video. →
https://opensource.com/life/16/10/3-file-conversion-tools-linux-command-line?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY With those tools you can convert documents, markup, audio and video. →
https://opensource.com/article/17/3/mongoose-os-iot-development?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY This Mangoose OS looks interesting. The features it provides, including: An installation time of one minute Support for both C and JavaScript as development languages. The use of JavaScript allows for very fast prototyping, so projects like IoT button can be implemented literally in two minutes A simple networking interface that allows you to control devices →
http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_58c35ec0e4b0c3276fb78516? In 2017, Finland is celebrating the Centennial of its independence. You probably don’t know this since Finns are notoriously shy and not particularly adept at marketing. While Finns are very proud of their country, saying anything positive about Finland is the cultural equivalent of bragging or exaggeration. In Finland, that is considered not cool. →
https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/03/06/wearable-tech-a-developers-security-nightmare/?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Bad wearable device security affects companies and cloud services. →
https://hackaday.io/project/20206-wireless-usb-for-instant-iot This is an interesting idea to run USB over wireless IP connection. →
https://opensource.com/article/17/3/physical-computing-raspberry-pi?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Here is introduction to using Raspberry Pi GPIO and camera for this Pi day (March 13 = 3.14 on some calendars. →
http://www.itpro.co.uk/strategy/28278/eben-upton-why-its-a-long-road-to-the-raspberry-pi-4 Technical limitations are the greatest challenge to developing future devices like the Raspberry Pi 4, Pi creator Eben Upton told IT Pro in an interview: physical limitations will make it difficult to continue the same pace of development on the next generation of devices. →
http://www.edn.com/design/analog/4458098/Cloud-data-center-server-power-and-optical-transceivers–a-dynamic-duo This article discusses cloud data center trends and what components Maxim makes for this application area. →
IoT LPWA market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 90 percent. It is expected that in 2021 the market size of about EUR 24.5 billion. SigFox and LoRa have been competitors in the LPWAN space for several years. There are LoRa and Sigfox networks in Finland -Sigfox network is operated by Connected →
http://www.cio.com/article/3178621/open-source-tools/how-to-make-money-from-open-source-software.html →