Search Results for "data center"

169 results found.

Data Center Energy Retrofits

Data centers (DCs) are a major consumer of energy consumed by computers. A large part of that energy is used for cooling down the exhaust heat of the servers contained in the DCs. Ph.D. dissertation titled Data Center Energy Retrofits describes both the aggregate numbers of DCs and key agship installations in detail. It will

Software-Defined Data Centers

Software defined seems to be the hype buzzword nowadays for many technology areas: We have Software-defined radio, Software-defined networking, Software defined storage and software-defined data center. Some days ago AllThingsD ran a piece endorsing the idea of the software-defined data center titled What Is the Software Defined Data Center and Why Is It Important? Slashdot

Data center backbone design

Cells vs. packets: What’s best in the cloud computing data center? article from few years back tells that resource constrained data centers cannot waste anything on their way to efficiency. One important piece on this is right communications technology between different parts of data center. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, proprietary switch fabrics

Google Data Center Gallery

Google has 13 data centers around the world (7 in the Americas, 3 in Asia and 3 in Europe) running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s fascinating to see how the world’s biggest Internet company is powered. I have earlier posted some limited details of Google data centers in Google Efficient Data

AC vs DC power in data center

There has been a debate going on for some years if the traditional AC or new DC power distribution is best approach to power a data center. The DC power side has been pushing their technology with claims of quite considerable power savings. In many published articles, expected improvements of 10% to 30% in efficiency

Can Maintenance Make Data Centers Less Reliable?

Is preventive maintenance on data center equipment not really that preventive after all? Can Maintenance Make Data Centers Less Reliable? With human error cited as a leading cause of downtime, a vigorous maintenance schedule can actually make a data center less reliable, according to some industry experts. Is Maintenance Making Your Facility Less Reliable? article