
All about electronics and circuit design

Collapsing “connected toy” company did nothing while hackers stole millions of voice recordings of kids and parents / Boing Boing

http://boingboing.net/2017/02/28/internet-of-shitty-toys.html From article: As I’ve argued before: there is no IoT business model. Hardware starts at a 2% margin and falls from there. IoT companies get capital by promising to monopolize an “ecosystem” — controlling app stores, service, parts, and consumables, and by collecting as much data as possible in case they might get an exit by selling

The Ultimate Guide — How to Develop a New Electronic Hardware Product

https://blog.hackster.io/the-ultimate-guide-how-to-develop-a-new-electronic-hardware-product-6ec4c48a380f#.h8h5rk2r9 So you want to develop a new electronic hardware product? If so, you’re in the right place. Let me start with the good news — it’s possible! This is true regardless of your technical level and you don’t have to be an engineer to develop a new product (although it certainly helps).