All about electronics and circuit design
Some time ago I built Avalanche pulse generator circuit. In that project I used a slightly odd car to “mains” adaptor device as the DC/DC converter to generate the voltage (around 100V) needed to power the avalanche circuit. Here is view of that part of Avalanche pulse generator circuit: I had bought that device that →
http://gizmodo.com/intels-incredibly-tiny-compute-card-could-soon-run-your-1790826525?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow This new tiny computer card looks like an interesting concept. It looks like a concept that needs to be priced right and supported by many manufacturers – or it is in danger of getting obsoleted soon. Let’s wait to see what is the situation when this becomes really available to buy. →
https://www.scmagazine.com/debugging-mechanism-in-intel-cpus-allows-seizing-control-via-usb-port/article/630480/ Some Intel CPUs have JTAG over USB 3 debugging built-in. This could be good for debugging but is really bad for computer security. “starting with the Skylake processor family in 2015, Intel introduced the Direct Connect Interface (DCI) which provides access to the JTAG debugging interface via common USB 3.0 ports.” Having the DCI →
http://www.csoonline.com/article/3155572/internet-of-things/john-mcafees-3-major-cybersecurity-predictions-for-2017.html Cybersecurity predictions: 1. IoT denial of service attacks on major Internet carriers will become commonplace 2. The anti-virus paradigm will finally been seen as a dead paradigm 3. Intelligence agencies will finally accept the fact that a sophisticated Nation State can perpetrate any hack and make it point to any Nation or agency that →
https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/security-data-protection/70-europeans-arent-willing-sacrifice-privacy-new-services-survey-reveals/ Europeans seem to want good security. →
http://www.edn.com/design/consumer/4443249/Teardown–Drone-streams-live-video?_mc=sm_edn&hootPostID=aace25fdd6ccde81d57b00797e517d7a Look at this tiny video streaming drone teardown. →
http://www.zdnet.com/article/theres-a-linux-powered-car-in-your-future/ Linux is everywhere, also in cars. →
https://learntemail.sam.today/blog/my-watch-runs-gnu-linux-and-it-is-amazing/ Nice story on running Linux on smart watch. Article also compares a modern smart watch hardware to first iPhone. →
https://threatpost.com/ftc-d-link-failed-to-secure-routers-ip-cameras/122895/ Legal process against companies that seem to have failed in IoT security in 2016 seems to be starting now. I expect that also several other companies will get similar treatment – very many companies have had same type security problems. →
http://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/extreme_weather_in_finland_cold_record_snaps_at_-398_lightning_strikes_porkkala/9388109 Extreme winter in Finland! Those degrees are Celsius. You can’t measure those low temperatures with mercury thermeter because mercury is frozen at this temperature. →