All about electronics and circuit design
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the world’s biggest tech event. With nearly 200,000 attendees flooding into the Las Vegas strip for a week in January. Newest event CES 2017 just started. CES is often the home to consumer product announcements and demonstrations of future technologies, so it is one of the most anticipated events →
https://www.wired.com/2017/01/biggest-security-threats-coming-2017/ Wired magazine shares it’s view on security threats coming this year. →
At the ends of the 2016 the new year’s eve was one second longer than usual because there was a leap second. Why this was done? Time is a little bit complex thing. There are leap years and leap seconds. A leap second is a one-second adjustment that is occasionally applied to Coordinated Universal Time →
http://hackerboards.com/ringing-in-2017-with-90-hacker-friendly-single-board-computers/ There is no shortage of interesting single board computers in 2017. →
http://blog.hackerearth.com/open-source-iot-projects This is a very good list of open source IoT projects worth to take a look. Check those projects. →
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/01/03/android_tops_2016_vuln_list_with_523_bugs/?mt=1483419470366 This article tells how vulnerabilities with CVE numbers were divided in 2016. Adobe and Microsoft were on top, but Google’s Android aimed highest ever. →
https://www.hackster.io/kayakpete/snowmelt-system-monitor-be4a01?ref=challenge&ref_id=79&offset=3 This is an interesting looking environment monitoring IoT project. It uses AT&T IoT, PubNub etc… →
https://blog.hackster.io/hacksters-top-50-or-so-projects-from-2016-2d69de57b3c7#.dswqmr119 Here is a collection of interesting looking projects from 2016. →
https://juliareda.eu/2016/12/10-illegal-things/ Those ideas do not look good. →
http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/12/did-russia-tamper-with-the-2016-election-bitter-debate-likely-to-rage-on/ Released report does not have good solid evidence who was behind the attacks. This article also tells why it is hard to know who is really behind those attacks – it is well possible that hackers faked some of the evidence. Whoever did this, if they wanted to cause disruption and lack of faith, →