All about electronics and circuit design
https://blog.arduino.cc/2016/12/22/control-this-ohio-homes-christmas-lights-over-the-internet/ As seen on Good Morning America, Hammond recently put up a Christmas display that can be controlled via a simple online interface between the hours of 5pm and midnight (EST). The setup consists of an Arduino Mega along with a Raspberry Pi running Falcon Player, while the animations were created using xLights. Ohio Man Lets the Internet Control His Home’s Christmas Lights →
http://www.engineersgarage.com/blogs/10-online-circuit-simulators-dealing-electronics-projects Nice software list. →
http://www.techrepublic.com/article/raspberry-pi-in-2017-new-boards-new-oses-and-more/ What Pi versions to expect in 2017? →
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/12/21/opinion/to-slow-global-warming-we-need-nuclear-power.html?referer=http://m.facebook.com/ Renevables are the future, but before they are ready to fullfull all needs (energy storage and needed investment are challenge), we need something – nuclear power is one tool that can be used. →
https://fossbytes.com/rakos-botnet-back-infect-linux-servers-iot-devices/ In addition to Mirai botnets, there is also Rakos botnet. →
EDN turned 60 years old this year. Over the years the magazine has made many predictions on the future of the electronics (some of then were pretty right). You can read on some pretty spot-on predictions at 1982 editorial about computer security gets it right and EDN predictions for 2006, 10 years later articles. When →
https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/5jdv8x/the_smallest_arduino_in_the_world/ →
https://hackaday.io/contest/18215-the-1kb-challenge Interesting coding competition. →
http://www.wxyz.com/news/health/ask-dr-nandi/study-frequent-sauna-bathing-may-prevent-dementia-in-men →
EDN is US print magazine on Electronics applications, products, technology and design techniques. I have read that magazine quite a lot over many years and provided links to many of their articles in ePanorama.net. EDN: you’re old. This year some months ago this magazine turned 60 years old: May 8, 2016 marked the 60th anniversary of →