All about electronics and circuit design
http://www.poynter.org/2016/best-of-media-corrections-2016-edition/440257/ Fact checking is important in this era of rise of fake news. This article lists some notable media article corrections. You propably find some of them entertaining. →
https://opensource.com/life/15/2/music-light-show-with-raspberry-pi?sc_cid=701600000011jJaAAI Some ideas and instructions for making your own light show. →
http://devhumor.com/media/it-jobs-explained-with-a-broken-lightbulb ICT versions of light bulb jokes are funny. →
Just when micro USB became the standard way to charge smart phones, new standard emerged: USB type C. Again you need new chargers… Is there a way to reuse old chargers? Yes. There are USB C to micro USB adapters that allow new phones charged with old chargers (works but at slower speed). I needed →
https://www.redpill-linpro.com/sysadvent/2016/12/19/raspberry-pi-honeynet.html →
https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/ This is the report of high profile DNC hack that could have affected USA presidental election. Read what happened or was believed to happen. →
https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2016/11/8-tips-smarter-risk-taking-it?sc_cid=701600000011jJaAAI →
https://www.riverbed.com/blogs/software-defined-networking-using-simple-voice-commands.html This interesting demo uses Alexa voice commands to control networking and server system. Almost like in movies… →
https://medium.com/@likid.geimfari/the-list-of-interesting-open-source-projects-2daaa2153f7c#.7meqjqdvv →
http://thehackernews.com/2016/12/dnschanger-router-malware.html?m=1 →