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http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-live-patch-ubuntu-linux-server-kernel-without-rebooting/ Kernel live patching enables runtime correction of critical security issues in running kernel without rebooting. Ubuntu Linux version 16.04 LTS supports live patching for both enterprise and the Ubuntu community members. The Canonical Livepatch Service is an authenticated, encrypted, signed stream of livepatch kernel modules for Ubuntu servers, virtual machines and desktops. →
ESA robotic exploration of Mars has landed. There was a tense wait as ESA determines whether Schiaparelli probe has landed safely as no signal from it has been received so far- and just few minutes ago ESA’s mission control centre as spacecraft operators watched for the signal to return, there is now back-slapping, cheers and →
DIY Wi-Fi Wireless Switch For Smart Home With ABS Shell Socket Remote Control Switch Module is an IoT home automation device. This device, also known as Sonoff from ITEAD, can control 110V to 230V AC mains power on/off (up to 7A or 10A depending on document). The switch is controlled with mobile app (or local →
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/10/18/sha3256_good_for_beelions_of_years_say_boffins/ →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/at-work/tech-careers/analyst-ugly-year-for-tech-layoffs-and-its-going-to-get-worse?utm_source=SocialFlow&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=Social&utm_content=FaceBook →
http://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/featured/ghost-push-malware-continues-to-haunt-android-users/ Android malware hits very many devices each day. Remember to install apps only from trusted sources. →
http://electronicsofthings.com/expert-opinion/18-things-that-have-no-business-being-connected-to-the-internet/?utm_source=eotpage&utm_medium=eotpage&utm_campaign=eotpage&utm_content=eotposts Some things should not be connected with IoT. →
http://electronicsofthings.com/expert-opinion/risk-management-compliance/?utm_source=eotpage&utm_medium=eotpage&utm_campaign=eotpage&utm_content=eotposts There are several big risks on IoT. You need to understand those risk and keep them in control. →
http://makezine.com/2016/09/28/5-raspberry-pi-zero-hats-get/ This article tells about several interesting looking HAT add-ons to Raspberry Pi. →
https://threatpost.com/nuclear-power-plant-disrupted-by-cyber-attack/121216/ Nuclear power plant control system was not completely safe from hackers. →