
All about electronics and circuit design

Friday Fun: Selfie Sticks In Famous Movie Scenes

Someone Is Replacing Guns With Selfie Sticks In Famous Movie Scenes (15+ Pics) | Bored Panda http://www.boredpanda.com/guns-replaced-with-selfie-sticks/ Ever watched your favorite movie and thought: “You know what would make this movie better? If the director replaced all the guns with selfie sticks!” No? Well, neither have I, but somebody did, and some of the results

Meet USBee, the malware that uses USB drives to covertly jump airgaps | Ars Technica

http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/08/meet-usbee-the-malware-that-uses-usb-drives-to-covertly-jump-airgaps/ This hack makes an USB drive to transmit your secrets in a way a nearby radio can receive it. Technique works on virtually all USB drives with no modifications necessary. “We introduce a software-only method for short-range data exfiltration using electromagnetic emissions from a USB dongle,” The software works on just about any storage