Top 5 scary hacks from the Black Hat USA 2016 Hackers can hack every gadget and spy! → Hackers can hack every gadget and spy! → There is a serious problem in new TCP feature designed to prevent hacking: it makes possible to make easily man-in-the-middle type attacks from anywhere. Feature is built into Linux kernel 3.6-4.7 (patch on newest version available). At the symposium, the researchers demonstrated the exploit by injecting code into a live USA Today page →
Android vulnerability QuadRooter attracted attention at DefCon24 event. QuadRooter was marketed as New Android Vulnerabilities in Over 900 Million Devices. Security company Check Point made lots of noise about it, including releasing an Adroid app to check your phone against this security flaw. QuadRooter is a set of four vulnerabilities affecting Android devices built using → → Companies have long time used those stickers try to prevent users from opening devices – but what is said on stickers might not be true, even deceptive and possibly illegal. → This article has a good list of steps to become good hacker. →
Assembly Summer 2016 computer festival was held last weekend. It was about computer gaming and Demoscene. The demoscene is an international computer art subculture that specializes in producing demos: small, self-contained computer programs that produce audio-visual presentations. I was not at the place this year, but I looked at some of the computer demo productions →
A valve amplifier or tube amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that uses vacuum tubes to increase the amplitude or power of a signal. In audio applications, valves continue to be highly desired by most professional users, particularly in recording studios’ equipment and guitar amplifiers. Among stereo enthusiasts, there is a subgroup of audio →
Design News magazine article claims that Osmotic Power Using Salt Water Is Newest Form of Alternative Energy. According to the article, alternative energies like solar, wind, and hydropower are poised to get some powerful new company, thanks in part to researchers in Switzerland. The power comes through the transfer of salt ions between two types of → There are more Linux shells than traditional bash and reasons to use them. →