All about electronics and circuit design
Renewables are critical to the future of efficient, clean transportation. Sweden just opened the world’s first electric highway article tells that Sweden’s electric long-haul trucks are finally up and running. A pilot study on that first mile is currently underway in the town of Sandviken. The system, which is the first of its kind to open →
http://www.techinsider.io/sweden-opened-first-electric-highway-2016-6 Read more on technology used from from my World’s first electric highway posting. →
Many Finnish phones have received over the weekend and Monday a text message scam.Messages appear to be from the Croatian and Slovenian telephones, ie + + 385- and 386-numbers. Did you get this text message? Remove it! I got the message and dis that. Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority Viestintävirasto has written a security note on →
NASA’s Jupiter-bound Juno spacecraft is again in the news. In January NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter has broken the record to become humanity’s most distant solar-powered emissary. The previous record-holder was the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft. In the end of June 2016 NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Enters Jupiter’s Magnetic Field. NASA’s Jupiter-bound Juno spacecraft has entered →
http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/10774930.html How well do you know Finland? →
http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/07/how-oracles-business-as-usual-is-threatening-to-kill-java/ According to this article Oracle is reducing support for Java development, especially in Java EE. Is this true and how does this affect Java community? →
http://techlog360.com/2016/07/ubuntu-end-support-32-bit-pcs/ Many Linux distributions are planning to support only 64 bit PC CPUs in the future as dropping support for 32 bit will save them lots of testing work. 32 bit support will not be dropped on all Linux distributions. →
As it turns out, hacked electronic road signs are actually a fairly easy prank to pull off, due to the fact that road workers rarely take the time to lock the boxes that the sign’s keyboards are connected to. This collection of already-hacked signs should be way more than enough to satisfy your funny road →
http://bits-please.blogspot.fi/2016/06/extracting-qualcomms-keymaster-keys.html?m=1 You data is not safe anymore in encrypted file system! →
http://mobile.eweek.com/security/home-computers-connected-to-the-internet-arent-private-court-rules.html What? →