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Why Wi-Fi Stinks—and How to Fix It – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/telecom/wireless/why-wifi-stinksand-how-to-fix-it?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IeeeSpectrum+%28IEEE+Spectrum%29&utm_content=FaceBook This article is a very good overview on today’s WiFi wireless networking problems. WiFi is so popular that it works more or less baddly for many users. And new standards that promise more speed do not make WiFi more reliable.

Eclipse Foundation Releases IoT Projects: the universal frameworks for IoT apps | Open Electronics

http://www.open-electronics.org/eclipse-foundation-releases-iot-projects-the-universal-frameworks-for-iot-apps/ Eclipse Foundation announced the release of a number of Internet of Things projects. These include: Eclipse Kura (a framework for building IoT gateways); Eclipse Paho (implementations of MQTT protocols); Eclipse OM2M (an open source implementation of the SmartM2M and oneM2M standard) and Eclipse SmartHome (an open source framework for building smart home solutions). The Eclipse Kura 2.0 provides a way