All about electronics and circuit design
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/06/what-jobs-do-people-find-the-most-meaningful/373380/?utm_source=atlfb For meaningful work and high pay, become a doctor. For work that doesn’t feel meaningful, become a lawyer. Does a preference for “meaningful” work necessitate a lifetime of modest compensation? Low-paying service jobs—food prep, cashiers, fast-food cooks—were both poorly compensated and not meaningful. Of course, not everyone prioritizes finding “meaningful” work, and the →
http://www.treehugger.com/green-jobs/solar-industry-creating-jobs-20x-faster-rest-us-economy.html?platform=hootsuite Solar energy industry is growing very fast while rest of the economy does have challenges. →
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/05/being-a-go-getter-is-no-fun/393863/?utm_source=atlfb More competent people can suffer from fact that employers have higher expectations for them, assign more work for them and often under-estimate the work needed to do the tasks. →
https://juliareda.eu/2016/06/last-call-freedom-of-panorama/ There are serious restrictions how you can use your own photos taken at public locations in many EU countries. Hopefully the EU harmonisation will not become too restrictive – just few days to react to it. →
Last year BBC introduced Micro:bit development board Intended to allow children to get creative with technology. The Micro:bit is one of the cornerstones of the BBC’s “Make it Digital” campaign. With Micro:bit BBC tries to get a million preteens into embedded development world as Micro:bit will be given to every 11 or 12 year old child →
http://www.defenseone.com/technology/2016/06/new-us-spy-software-could-soon-spot-your-suspicious-behavior-live-video/128852/?oref=DefenseOneTCO Control freak spies seem to want to have an artificial intelligence based “big brother” watching our all moves… Sounds like a script for a scifi movie. →
https://reaktor.com/blog/garden-variety-iot-with-big-data-and-frp/ IoT home automation story. →
https://medium.com/@intideceukelaire/why-you-shouldnt-share-links-on-facebook-f317ba4aa58b#.leqz7k2wj Consider links you share in private messages as public information anyone can read. →
Tim Cook discovers iPhone in painting from 1670 article: “At one point Tim rushes over and tells me ‘Come take a look, I found a painting with an iPhone on it!’ So he takes my arm and shows me a Rembrandt with a person seemingly holding an iPhone…” Tim Cook finished the story, saying “I always →
https://reaktor.com/blog/radio-waves-packets-software-defined-radio/ Introduction to software defined radio (SDR). This work is related to communication with Hello World satellite. I have seen this software radio system in real life. →