All European scientific articles to be freely accessible by 2020 | News item | This sounds like good development to me. → This sounds like good development to me. → Finland has some special candies that you might or might not like… → Interesting science by researchers from Finland and other countries. →
The Big List of Naughty Strings is an evolving list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. This is intended for use in helping both automated and manual QA testing. blns.txt consists of newline-delimited strings and comments which are preceded with #. For those who want to access →
I wrote in earlier in New Full Duplex Radio Chip Transmits and Receives Wireless Signals at Once posting about article New Full Duplex Radio Chip Transmits and Receives Wireless Signals at Once – IEEE Spectrum that told about a new chip that makes full dupled radio communications (tranmitting and receiving at the same frequency time at → This is the end of devices formerly known as Nokia mobile phones and smart phones. 😩 Microsoft bought this business from Nokia, but could not stop the downturn. Most workers that designed those phones are in Finland. → 5G is hottest thing in wireless. There are so many things in 5G so open that I think that nobody can really say exactly what kind of system it will be. This article gives one overview to 5G. → Digital assistants will quickly get more information on you than you might expect or want them to get. That’s one price of convience they offer. →
Using JavaScript is a new approach for embedded development, especially with node.js platform. But there are also other interesting JavaScript platforms worth to check out. I read about Finnish developed the open source “duct tape” and thought to check that out: Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint. → Would this be suitable technology to power smart city IoT devices? →