
All about electronics and circuit design

Wire strippers

A wire stripper is used in removing insulation from around a wire or cable. Sure, you can do this with a pair of scissors, wire cutters or even a utility knife, but using a tool specifically designed for this purpose makes life easier if you work with wires often. Here are three wire strippers I

History of communications technology

Telecommunication and networking has been and will be one of the core technologies in helping the evolution of mankind and technology. Here is a quick view to the history of the modern electronics based communications technologies with help of few history articles. “10th March, 1876 – The day when Alexander Graham Bell made the first

Windows 3.1 is 30 years old

Happy birthday Windows 3.1, aka ‘the one that Visual Basic kept crashing on’ This 30-year-old software that first introduced Windows Registry and killed Real Mode. This was the Windows version that made it to really mainstream. Windows 3.1 sold very well, with an appealing user interface and consumer-friendly multimedia features. It did, however, have a

Windows 10 links

Here are links to some links to maybe useful Windows 10 information: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/windows-10-spring-2021-update-every-new-feature-when-to-download-and-more/ https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-windows-fast-startup-why-disable-it/ https://www.zdnet.com/article/five-windows-10-features-you-really-should-be-using/ https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-flush-the-dns-cache-to-improve-network-performance-in-windows-10/ https://www.pcworld.com/article/3613049/lock-windows-10-pc-with-a-dedicated-local-administrator-account.html https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-use-a-batch-file-to-reset-and-renew-a-network-connection-in-windows-10/ https://www.howtogeek.com/213145/how-to%C2%A0convert-a-physical-windows-or-linux-pc-to-a-virtual-machine/amp/

Adjustable RF attenuator

RF attenuators are essentially electrical resistor circuits that are put in line with an RF signal and reduce the signal strength. The amount of resistances used is what determines the amount of attenuation. Basic circuits used in attenuators are pi pads (π-type) and T pads. The lost power in the attenuator is converted into heat.

Arduino humidity sensors

Humidity meters are a useful device to help to ensure that your home or workplace is kept at a reasonable humidity. It is a good idea to monitor the humidity to avoid problems caused by dampness or extreme dry conditions. Here are videos and links a look at how they humidity sensors work and how

James Webb telescope

The American space agency has achieved a major milestone in its preparation of the new James Webb Space Telescope. James Webb telescope mirror alignments has been finished, and the results are exceeding expectations. Still some work to go before actual science operation can start. NASA’s Webb Reaches Alignment Milestone, Optics Working Successfully https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-s-webb-reaches-alignment-milestone-optics-working-successfully James Webb: