
All about electronics and circuit design

Mobile Forensics CEO Proposes Controversial Access Tech for Smartphones – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/security/mobile-forensics-ceo-proposes-controversial-publicprivate-key-access-for-smartphones This article discusses different potential approaches how law enforcement could get access to encrypted phones when needed but still have some security left. Is that possible or practical? Does not look good.

NASA spools up ultra-high def aurora movie

NASA spools up ultra-high def aurora movie  article tells that  NASA has released an illuminating ultra-high definition (4K) video featuring the Auroras Borealis and Australis as seen from the International Space Station. Harmonic produced this show exclusively for NASA TV UHD, using time-lapses shot from the International Space Station, showing both the Aurora Borealis and

Hq Power adjustable PSU

Here is teardown of one failed power supply. What is inside Two 6.8 uF 400V capacitors had failed and burned the mains fuse. Good design that it was well protected. But again the failure was bad electrolytic capacitors. This device was not worth to repair.

Tesla Coil Remotely Induces Nanotubes to Self Assemble

Nikola Tesla was cool expecially Tesla coils that can play music and and do other fancy things.Nikola Tesla conjured up all sorts of interesting experiments for his famed “Tesla Coils.” Today, however, their main use has been relegated largely to impressing visitors at science museums. Now there is one new scientific use: Tesla Coil Remotely

New Full Duplex Radio Chip Transmits and Receives Wireless Signals at Once – IEEE Spectrum

New Full Duplex Radio Chip Transmits and Receives Wireless Signals at Once – IEEE Spectrum http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/wireless/new-full-duplex-radio-chip-transmits-and-receives-wireless-signals-at-once A new chip by Columbia University researchers uses a circulator made of silicon transistors to reroute signals and avoid interference from a transmitter and receiver that share the same antenna. The chip enables them to work around the principle

Man accidentally ‘deletes his entire company’ with one line of bad code | News | Lifestyle | The Independent

Man accidentally ‘deletes his entire company’ with one line of bad code from The Independent shows a good example how a small mistake can sometimes cause huge problems. Be careful and have proper backup system. Mr Marsala wrote on a forum for server experts called Server Fault that he was now stuck after having accidentally run