
All about electronics and circuit design

Touch dimmer tear-down

This is a tear-down of one TT6061A based touch dimmer that could not handle touch and failed (static electricity killed it). This dimmer module manufactured by Eaglerise was found inside a desk lamp. Inside view The construction inside looks pretty OK. There is a proper normal fuse there (tiny ceramic fuse) and also over-temperature protection

Light field video camera

I have earlier written about light field photography and related new camera technologies earlier in this blog.It has been somewhat silent on this market for some time, but now something interesting happens – Lytro (best known maker of light field cameras) has released Lytro Cinema camera for professional video and digital film production markets. Lytro

Hello p5.js

p5.js is a new interpretion of  Processing – an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. p5.js is a JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of Processing, nd reinterprets this for today’s web – it it you are not limited to your drawing canvas,

Power supply module tested

I needed a new small power supply for my electronics project table. I was checking several options for a lab power supplies, but when I saw DC-DC Step Down Power Supply Adjustable Module With LCD Display With Housing Case I decided that I could use it to build easily the power supply I need. In

Netcon GW502 found to be “competently hardened”

I work for Netcontrol that makes provides energy network automation solutions for utility communication, distribution automation, substation automation, and control centers. I have done lots of work with their embedded systems and their security. And I write to this blog actively covering many topica from electronics to network security. Now some news from my daily