All about electronics and circuit design
I work for Netcontrol that makes provides energy network automation solutions for utility communication, distribution automation, substation automation, and control centers. I have done lots of work with their embedded systems and their security. And I write to this blog actively covering many topica from electronics to network security. Now some news from my daily →
http://in.mobile.reuters.com/article/idINKCN0X40VE?irpc=932 Makes sense to me. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.techinsider.io/google-apple-tesla-race-to-develop-self-driving-cars-by-2020-2016-4 Nice report on what companies are involved in this revolution. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://badlock.org/ Something wrong with Samba. Security problems expected for network storage devices. More details coming in few days. Affects Linux and Windows. Posted from WordPress for Android →
26 Comics Of Finnish Nightmares Even Non-Finns Can Relate To (By Karoliina Korhonen) on 9GAG is a collect of comic pictures that is worth to check out. Those comics are from Finnish Nightmares – Comic about uncomfortable social situations, uncomfortable everything. http://finnishnightmares.blogspot.fi/ →
http://www.iflscience.com/technology/six-platoons-self-driving-trucks-just-drove-thousands-kilometers-across-europe Self driving cars are not science fiction. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://qz.com/480741/this-free-online-encyclopedia-has-achieved-what-wikipedia-can-only-dream-of/?utm_source=atlfb Interesting story how to build on-line encyclopedia and challenges with it. Posted from WordPress for Android →
I have already written several posting on Google data centers, but it does not hurt to post a new one when some new interesting material pops up. Take a virtual tour of Google’s Oregon data center article tells that the GoogleDalles data center in Oregon is open for a digital tour. Google is trying to →
http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/04/how-surveillance-mutes-dissent-on-the-internet/476955/?utm_source=SFFB Interesting findings… Posted from WordPress for Android →
Killer Chainsaw Drone — What Could Go Wrong? http://interestingengineering.com/killer-chainsaw-drone-what-could-go-wrong/ Crazy and dangerous drone invention from Finland! Crazy Finns stuck a chainsaw on a drone →