Search Results for "data center"

169 results found.

Apple's iCloud data center

A peek inside Apple’s iCloud data center web page shows up some photos of the exterior and interior of the new $1bn data center the company has built in Maiden, North Carolina to support its new iCloud storage cloud. There seems to be Teradata gear, maybe HP and NetApp. Teradata data warehousing appliances are actually

Google Hamina data center details

Google’s Latest Data Center Is Cooled Entirely With Ocean Water article tells about newest Google data center. Google has a new video showing how it’s using sea water to cool its new data center in Hamina, Finland. The water is sucked in through granite tunnels (the site used to be a paper mill and the

Google’s Chiller-less Data Center

Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems. Google’s Chiller-less Data Center is an article that describes Google elimination of chillers in its data center in Belgium. The facility relies entirely on free air cooling. The maximum temperature in Brussels during summer is lower

Google Efficient Data Centers

Google has published recently more and more details on their data center and their own servers they use. Some of the most interesting details can be found at the Google Efficient Data Centers Summit presentations. Google Efficient Data Centers Summit – 2 of 3 video is worth to watch if you are interested in how

Facebook datacenter "secrets"

Facebook Open Sources Its Servers and Data Centers. Facebook has shared many details of its new server and data center design on Building Efficient Data Centers with the Open Compute Project article and project. Open Compute Project effort will bring this web scale computing to the masses. The new data center is designed for AMD

Finland is the Mobile Data Capitol of the World – IEEE Spectrum It seems that we really need 5G in Finland before 4G slows down too much due high use of it. Several factors make Finland a potential sandbox for 5G developers: the average person in Finland used about 20 gigabytes (GB) of mobile data in December 2017, a dramatic rise from the 2016 average of

The Data Factory

You’re the product, but when you’re sold, it’s only a lucky few who get rich. The Data Factory – How Your Free Labor Lets Tech Giants Grow The Wealth Gap article tells that technology lets big companies distribute tools that turn us into volunteers who contribute our time and data while they profit. It wasn’t