All about electronics and circuit design
Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system available on computers. It was developed from the general-purpose Unix-to-Unix Copy (UUCP) dial-up network architecture. Basically format and transmission of Usenet articles is similar to that of Internet e-mail messages. Usenet started to operate at 1980 and I started using it in 1989. Users read and post messages →
I had some old game controllers that plug to USB port that I wanted to test. How to test game controllers connected to a PC? Preferably without installing new app I would be just using few times and forget to my PC. Nowadays you can test the joystick using web browser thanks to HTML 5 →
Programmers romance will take you through different scenes in programmers’ romantic life to understand how to approach them, and what they experience in their day to day lives. Programmers Romance & Pick Up Lines – How to hit on a programmer? →
Ethernet has risen to the top of the communications networking industry as a standard that dominates the data center down to the PC. Compatibility between old and new versions of Ethernet is legendary. The Ethernet Alliance has started an ongoing oral history, The Voices of Ethernet, in the form of video interviews of key players →
CIRCULAR ECONOMY SUCCESS: FINLAND’S RECYCLING PROGRAMME KEEPS BOTTLES AND CANS OFF THE STREETS https://finland.fi/life-society/circular-economy-success-finlands-recycling-programme-keeps-bottles-and-cans-off-the-streets/ We see how Finland’s deposit system for bottles and cans achieves a recycling rate of more than 90 percent, and how city administrators and event organisers supplement the system with their own resourceful programmes. Finland’s system for returning beverage containers started →
The Guys Who Named The Dongle – the perfect addition to a company who wants to create a problem, and then market the solution →
The eccentric genius and brain behind my first computer (ZX Spectrum), Sir Clive Sinclair, has passed away. Home computers, digital calculators, television in pocket, electric vehicles — he pioneered many of these things. Read more at Sir Clive Sinclair: Computing pioneer dies aged 81 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58587521 Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/sep/16/home-computing-pioneer-sir-clive-sinclair-dies-aged-81 →
Last week, Finnish Broadcasting Corporation celebrated its 95th anniversary, and this week a hundred Finnish radio amateurs celebrate 100 years. Finnish radio amateurs have played a significant role in the development of broadcasting and Nokia. In honor of the radio amateurs, the flag is raised to pole in on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. SRAL amateur →
Can a USB data cable be altered into a Spying data? Absolutely YES! There are many potential problems with USB cables. The USB Security is fundamentally broken and modern electronics can be made so small that you can fit all kinds of nasty circuits inside USB cable if you want to do that. And some →
Ig Nobel spoof prizes are not as famous as the “real” Nobels – not quite. All the fun occurred online instead of traditional cerenomy. BBC reports: Upside-down rhino research wins Ig Nobel Prize https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-58507100 An experiment that hung rhinoceroses upside down to see what effect it had on the animals has been awarded one of →