Search Results for "HTML5"

74 results found.

DRM does not work as planned!

I have earlier made several post to this blog on DRM – including telling that DRM just does not work. Still several industry groups are trying to push DRM here and there as a solution to their business challenges for example in web and HTML. For example under pressure from the movie studios, along with

Aftermath: Mobile trends 2014

In the begining of 2014 I wrote posting Mobile trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for year 2014. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Mobile trends for 2014 posting. Mobile infrastructure must catch

Aftermath: Audio Video 2014

In the begining of this year I wrote posting Audio and video trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for this year. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Audio and video trends for 2014 posting.

Aftermath Web 2014

Here is a my look back on web development trends from 2014. 2014 was quite a year, and things did not in all details turn out as predicted on some predictions. I did not make my own predicions specifically on web development, but my computer trends 2014 posting had some web related predictions. Web is still

Codebender Arduino IDE

Do you want to experiment with Arduino, but do not want to install Arduino IDE or not like it? Not where is another way to do Arduino coding: web-based, fully networked on-line developer environment called Codebender. Codebender is an in-browser dev environment that can store your code, copy from other users, and upload it to

Aftermath: Computer trends 2014

Here is aftermath for my computer technology trends and predictions for year 2014. Let’s see how correctly they went. Original assumptations are in  in italic font style. It seems that PC market is not recovering in 2014. IDC is forecasting that the technology channel will buy in around 34 million fewer PCs this year than

Computer trends for 2015

Here are comes my long list of computer technology trends for 2015: Digitalisation is coming to change all business sectors and through our daily work even more than before. Digitalisation also changes the IT sector: Traditional software package are moving rapidly into the cloud.  Need to own or rent own IT infrastructure is dramatically reduced.