Search Results for "HTML5"

74 results found.

Aftermath: Security trends 2014

My assumptations I made in Security trends 2014 posting is in italic font style. There will still be NSA aftershocks after new material comes out and different parties react to them (and news sources write about them). U.S. cloud services have been put into question for good reason. There will be a lot of NSA

Audio data transfer for AVR

I wrote some days ago about Tagsu – The Digital Wondertag. The inventor of that device pointed me to look at some more material on the device: 12kbps simple audio data transfer for AVR blog post is abou adventures in implementing a stupidly simple way of transferring data over audio to AVR (and why not Launched Code Studio

There are many initiatives to get people to know basics of programming. The current thinking seems to be that anybody can learn to code if concepts are introduced in the right way.‘s mission is to get coding into curriculums for students. It is known for example on projects like Computer Science Education Week and

Two simple on-line editors

Today’s HTML5 tips are two simple but useful (for testing and small tasks) on-line tools. real-time HTML editor! is as simple as it can get HTML editor. The editor show two frames:  Type HTML in the upper textarea above, and the resulting HTML page will magically appear in the frame below. real-time HTML editor! suits

Rubics cube in your browser

Rubic’s Cube had it’s 40th Anniversary this week. Although the Rubik’s Cube reached its height of mainstream popularity in the 1980s (from where I remember it most), it is still widely known and used. Since then it’s sold over 350 million units, making it the best-selling toy ever. Rubik’s Cube is a hard task to

Can This Web Be Saved from DRM?

It seems that the the 25 years old free web is under a constant attack. The most current threads to really open web at the moment are DRM, network neutrality issues  and mobile app wallet garden silos. Some time ago DRM HTML5 were approved. I did not like the idea to add DRM to HTML5,

The Web is 25 years old today

World Wide Web turns 25 years old. World Wide Web turned 25 years today according to The browser’s resized future in a fragmented www world article. Wikipedia verifies that in March 1989 Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist and former CERN employee, wrote a proposal for what would eventually become the World Wide Web. Twenty-five

Security trends for 2014

Year 2014 will be a year of cybersecurity after the NSA revelations made in 2013: The headline news is that the NSA has surreptitiously “burrowed its way into nearly all the security architecture” sold by the world’s largest computer networking companies. A lot of people were shocked how NSA monitored and hacked almost everything in