Search Results for "data center"

169 results found.

Cyber security trends for 2020

Nothing is more difficult than making predictions. Instead of trowing out wild ideas what might be coming, will be making educated guesses based on what has happened during the last 12 months and several years before that. The past year has seen a rapid increase in the adoption of up-and-coming technologies. Everyday items are getting

5G at Teknologia 2019

I visited Teknologia 2019 fair today in Helsinki Finland. Etteplan had an interesting 5G demonstration at the event. The 5G base station high on wall. In understood that it worked at frequency somewhere between 3400-3800 MHz. There was a Nokia 5G router that made connection through the 5G base station to Telia data center at

Electronics trends for 2019

Electronics technology and market trends for 2019: Markets: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry is Bright. Demand is rising for AI and automotive, flat for mobile phones, with trade uncertainty looming over everything. Foundries see growth and new issues in 2019. WSTS industry forecast projects annual global market growth of 2.6 percent in 2019. Politics:

Computer trends 2019

Here are some ICT trends for year 2019 picked from various sources (linked to sources) and edited by me: General: From AI to Moore’s Law, the entire industry is deep in the throes of massive changes. The future will be characterized by smart devices delivering increasingly insightful digital services everywhere. While CPUs continue to evolve,

Networking trends 2019

5G? IoT? Fiber Deep? 600G? We Are ready for networking at 2019! For years we have all been talking about the emergence of 5G services, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new high-capacity, low-latency network architectures that will be needed to support the resulting onslaught of bandwidth. Higher-speed data rates are critical to electronic evolution

Google Cloud goes all-in on hybrid with its new Cloud Services Platform | TechCrunch The cloud isn’t right for every business. Be that because of latency constraints at the edge, regulatory requirements or because sometimes own data center is cheaper. So the vast majority of enterprises today use both public and private clouds in parallel. The two services at the core of new offering from Google are the

Remote Powering over communications cabling (part 3)

Remote feeding is a technology which enables operators to power several remote sites from a central location.  Remote powering implies that the power equipment is not local but some distance away. Remote means that the powering and powered equipment are in separate buildings or at different external locations inside same building.It can be used as

Computer trends 2018

IT seems to be growing again. Gartner forecasts worldwide IT spending will increase 4.5% this year to $3.68 trillion, driven by artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain technology, and the IoT. Digital transformations are fashionable. You won’t find an enterprise that isn’t leveraging some combination of cloud, analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning to better