All about electronics and circuit design
A suitable tool to safely discharge capacitors is needed when you want to work with circuits that have dangerous voltages inside them. Typical examples of such devices mains powered switch mode power supplies (you need to safely discharge main capacitor) and different cameras (the flash unit has a large capacitor charged to 400-500V voltage). Those →
Free and Open—and Their Opposites article gives a a linguistic look at some tenets of Linux. I found it interesting reading because I have written articles to magazines on open source software to magazines and I have needed to think about the right words to use for writing. Here are some information picked from that →
Do you still remember Overly Attached Girlfriend meme? Hacking a radio controlled spy device for overly attached girlfriend page has yet another update to this theme: a special DIY spy device. Hacking a radio controlled spy device for overly attached girlfriend article has also information how it was built. →
How much does your web framework choice affect performance? The answer at Framework Benchmarks page may surprise you. Netty, Vert.x, and Java servlets are fast, but the researchers were surprised how much faster they are than Ruby, Django, and friends. Here is one graph from Framework Benchmarks page that shows you the results. If you →
The mobile phone turns 40 years old article tells that the first mobile phone was used by Martin Cooper to phone a rival at AT&T’s Bell Labs on 3 April 1973. Happy birthday mobile phone! Now it is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union that there are six billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world, →
In the modern world sensors are used for recording everything from exhaust gas temperatures to the electrical activity in a human heart. Direct wiring methods are commonly used for simple on-off device control, where a circuit is either open or closed. Likewise, digital sensors are usually wired directly to monitoring panels in the world of →
Mozilla is Unlocking the Power of the Web as a Platform for Gaming blog posting tells that Mozilla is advancing the Web as the platform for high-end game development. Mozilla was able to recently worked hard to prove that the Web is capable of being a compelling gaming platform. With Mozilla’s latest innovations in JavaScript, →
April Fools’ Day is celebrated in many countries on April 1 every year. It is widely recognized and celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. Lying is awesome way to get people fooled. Here is one idea how to avoid being fooled: use a lying detector. If you’re →
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. The microcontroller on the Arduino board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring and C) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). This combination of tools have made it a very easy to use platform for all →
A fight between a spam-fighting group called Spamhaus and a Dutch Web host Cyberbunker has been called the biggest public DDoS battle in history in the news. Spam-fighting organization Spamhaus (helps to block spam from entering e-mail in-boxes) has been in a battle over the last week that has seen distributed denial of service (DDoS). →