
All about electronics and circuit design

Adding output capability to a 10€ logic analyser

I write some time ago about USBEE AX clone. tubbutec blog writer got the remark about the bidirectional driver gave and investigated this a little bit further. It turned out you can modify this logic analyzer pretty easily to provide output capabilities. Adding output capability to a 10€ logic analyser article tells how you can

Security trends for 2013

Year 2013 will be year of cyber security. CNN expects more cyber wars this year. Cybercrime is on the rise, and last year we saw more and more computer virus attacks. Security company Kaspersky Lab warns of more new cyber-threats against enterprises and mobile devices. Cyber security also relates to mobile. Security becomes an increasingly

Audio and video 2013

Cell phones with build in cameras are replacing cheap pocket size digital cameras and video cameras. Best cell phone cameras can be better in many ways than cheap pocket digital cameras from few years back. And most people do not want to carry separate devices for each function (at least without a very good reason),

Computer technologies for 2013

Gartner believes that software and hardware companies do better in 2013 than last year. I hope so this happens, it would be good for the industry. Gartner Says Worldwide IT Spending Forecast to Reach $3.7 Trillion in 2013. That would be 4.2 percent increase from 2012 spending. At the moment uncertainties surrounding prospects for an

Intel’s New Chips at CES

Intel’s talking about its new stuff at CES. Gizmodo article Intel’s New Chips: Everything You Need to Know gives you the latest details on Touch, Live Pay TV, Atom phones, all-day battery life for Intel Core computers. Nowadays it seems that CES is the World’s Greatest Hardware Show Stuck in a Software Era. For a

Ubuntu now fits in your phone

My earlier blog posting Ubuntu Linux for Smartphones from 2011 reported Ubuntu Linux heads to smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Canonical plans to compete against Android, iOS and Windows on the smartphones. Now Canonical has something to tell on smartphone sector: Canonical unveils Ubuntu phone OS that doubles as a “full PC”. Ubuntu now fits

30 years of Internet

The Internet, a revolutionary and cheap communications system that has transformed the lives of billions of people across the world, turned 30 on Tuesday. The celebration was so quiet that I missed that and noticed it one day late. But even one day late it is worth to mention. Thirty years ago this week, Vint