
All about electronics and circuit design

Tietokone Magazine

When Prosessori magazine ended last year I started writing articles to Tietokone magazine (press info). Actually I had earlier written some articles and news to web site. Now I write to Tietokone magazine more often. The magazine has published several articles already this year. Promo box

Nokia smartphone repair: Lumia 800

Nokia Lumia 800 smart phone has display got broken. What to do? A real goldmine for anyone attempting to star repairing a cell phone nowadays are disassembly/assembly videos on Youtube. So I got there and looked for Lumia 800 related videos to see if anything could be done for this. Nokia Lumia 800 Teardown –

Is accurate sound overrated?

The author of CNET’s The Audiophiliac blog recently asked, “Who wants perfectly accurate sound?” His answer? Most headphone and speaker buyers prefer less accurate sound reproduction. Consumer audio: Is accurate sound overrated? blog posting says this may be the case (although he doesn’t supply any real evidence to support this assertion). If so, so be

PCBs without any substrate

PCBs without any substrate article tells that Kimio Kosaka is taking the concept of free-formed circuits to the next level with O’Baka Project No.7. Arduino Skeleton “0′baka Project” means a stupid project. This project is to make things which is not art and which is not usable. It’s a fully functioning Arduino board, without the

DIY logic analyzers

In Internet there seems to be many plans for DIY logic analyzers: Open source logic analyzer OpenBench Logic Sniffer Openbench Logic Sniffer SUMP FPGA Based Logic Analyzer FLASH – PLAICE: Programmer, Logic Analyzer and In-Circuit Emulator Project A logic analyzer using the PC’s parallel port A logic analyzer using the PC’s parallel port MiniLA –

LED is 50 years old

The LED As We Know It Is 50 Years Old Today. In 1962, 50 years ago today, Nick Holonyak Jr. and his team at GE invented the Light Emitting Diode. While LED lights are almost everywhere today, their initial development was ripe with uncertainty and competitive research. A direct result of another groundbreaking technology of

Low-Cost Logic Analyzers

Logic analyzer is a very useful tool for embedded system debugging. In many embedded-system magazines and on Web sites you’ll see advertisements for instrument “boxes” or pods that connect to a PC through a USB port. These devices capture digital and analogue signals that a host PC displays in a standard scope or logic-analyzer format.

Time for Firefox Plugin Check

Mozillla announced that it will soon start prompting Firefox users to upgrade select old plugins. This means that Firefox users who have outdated versions of the most popular plugins will soon see a notification urging them to update when they visit a web page that uses them. Old versions of Silverlight, Adobe Reader and Adobe

802.11ad at 60GHz Will Knock Your Socks Off?

Interop: Don’t sweat 802.11ac Wi-Fi – because 802.11ad will knock your socks off article tells that industry experts at Interop NY already look beyond the coming advent of 802.11ac. While the Wi-Fi world is rightly abuzz over the rapidly approaching large-scale deployment of the new 802.11ac standard, experts at an Interop NY panel said today

5 Real Robots Made From Everyday Stuff

The popular image of robotics research involves big budgets, state-of-the-art technology and the latest materials. 5 Real Robots Made From Everyday Stuff article tells that a lot of cutting-edge research is done on the cheap, using things you probably have around the house. Coming up with ways to build simple, inexpensive prototypes makes it possible