
All about electronics and circuit design

Trouble at V.I.R.U.S.

Trouble at V.I.R.U.S. (Virus Investors Radical United Society) …a rejected campaign idea from F-secure archives… I see now what that “F” means in F-Secure. I see why this did not get out but found this funny.

Cool uses for the Raspberry Pi

Hackers are buzzing with ideas from Pi-powered arcade machines and drones to the home automation and low-cost tablets. 10 coolest uses for the Raspberry Pi article tells that TechRepublic has delved into the Raspbery Pi’s developer forums, and here’s our round-up of the best ideas so far, ranging from the eminently achievable to the massively

How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free

iFixit.org article How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free tells an interesting story. The problem? An underfunded school needed computers for the classroom. Budget? $0. How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free article tells how just one sixth-grade teacher got those computers at that budget. In 2007, Robert acquired 18 donated

Cellphone accessories DIY

From cables to speakers to stands that prop up your phone, there are more cool accessories out there than you can shake a stick at—and they all seem grossly overpriced. Top 10 Cellphone Accessories You Don’t Need to Buy (Because You Can DIY Them for Cheap) article describes 10 cellphone accessories that are cheap and

Mobile web is bloating

Web pages have been growing in size all along. This means that Web pages are getting more bloated all the time. Based on the top 1,000 websites on the Internet, the average page size has gone from 626 kB to 784 kB. Size is of course only part of the “performance formula” for a website.

Interim solution Firefox and Flash 11.3 problem

Some Firefox users on Windows Vista and Windows 7 are experiencing problems when viewing videos in Adobe Flash Player 11.3. This includes me. Flash 11.3 doesn’t load video in Firefox. Firefox and/or Flash Player may crash. Videos do not work correctly, I just get a black box. Adobe and Mozilla are working closely to diagnose

Many bonus cards to one mobile card

How many of those “Bonus Cards” you have to get discount on different stores? Probably too many to carry around in your wallet easily. Years ago I thought that it would be a good idea if it would be possible to combine them all then to a one card. After analyzing the problem I thought

The Internet Map

The Internet Map is an interesting web page. It represents over 350,000 websites from 196 countries and he map displays over 2 million site links based on topical similarities. Each site is represented by a circle, with size depending on the amount of traffic, and the space between each is determined by frequency, or strength,