All about electronics and circuit design
Linus Torvalds Splits Tech’s ‘Nobel’ With Stem Cell Pioneer. What do Linux and stem cell research have in common? Answer: They’re both considered “life-enhancing technical innovations” by the Technology Acadamy Finland, a foundation that is awarding a prestigious award called the Millennium Technology Prize in Helsinki yesterday. Linux creator Linus Torvalds (King of Geeks) and →
Without Ethernet our networked world would cease to exist. It’s the ubiquitous standard for local area networks. The internet is probably Ethernet’s greatest triumph. Practically every server that delivers content to the internet is networked via Ethernet. Without Ethernet development the internet will choke. Society is moving to a new level of interconnectedness that’s built →
It’s not always clear who is the real inventor of many well known inventions. I just read an interesting article in EDN magazine: Meucci acknowledged as telephone inventor, June 11, 2002. It tells that United States Congress acknowledged Italian immigrant Antonio Meucci as the true inventor of the telephone just ten years ago. Meucci began →
The International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM) and The Society for Information Display (SID) have published a new standardized way to measure electronic displays. Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS) document consists of standard measurement procedures to quantify electronic display characteristics and qualities. The hope is that Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS) serves standards organizations that →
FRIDAY FUNNY: Engineering A Sense Of Humor is a collection of best engineer oriented jokes picked from Funny Junk Funny Engineers Jokes. →
Pricing Should Be Simple article mentions some interesting points on pricing products: One thing many companies — in any industry — can learn from Apple is the importance of simple pricing. If you make it easy for people to understand how much they’re paying, and what they’re paying for, it is more likely that they’ll →
World IPv6 Launch is coming after just few days. June 6th may seem like any other day to you, but a group of network operators, kit-makers and websites have determined it will become “World IPv6 launch day”. It means that major Internet service providers (ISPs), home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world →
CAT 5, 5e and 6 UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cables are the most commonly used communication wiring in building. Those wires are normally designed to carry signals like Ethernet and telephone. Those wires can be also used to carry many other signals. Some signals can be directly wires to them (with suitable adapter cables) and →
The virus, named Flame or Skywiper, has been in headlines this week. In good and in bad. Flame came to light when the U.N. International Telecommunications Union (which oversees cyberactivities for the body) received reports of unusual activity. A Russian security firm first identified it, noting that the virus has apparently existed in these networks →
Pranking bosses, friends, and competitors article tells that analog engineers are notorious for pranks they play on their bosses, their friends, and their competitors. Some pranks become legendary. →