All about electronics and circuit design
My computer feels slow even though I have enoug memory and powerful CPU. Got 100% disk usage in Windows 10? So your computer is hanging and freezing because of it. You want to fix this vexing Windows issue. The following article gives several potential fixes! It promises to solve the issue with 15 tricks list. →
Those sources seem toi indicate that some older Microsoft Windows versions seem to have gone “open source” without proper license… Microsoft’s source code for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 has reported to be leaked online. Torrent files for both operating systems’ source code have been published on various file sharing sites this week. 43GB →
LINEAR POWER SUPPLY DESIGN ASSISTANT #1 at https://www.changpuak.ch/electronics/power_supply_design.php is a tool for designing and simulating linear power supply rectification and smoothing capacitors See the circuit diagram. Enter the design data and can see the output voltage ripple and current on circuit. You can try with different capacitor values, different loads and different transformers. This is →
https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-hardware/video-friday-haircut-robot https://digg.com/video/hair-cutting-drone →
Here is a teardown of cheap mains powered LED night light from LIDL. After few years of use this light became very dim and so useless. I opened it to see what is in it and what was broken. Let’s open it. Circuit board details Here is the circuit diagram. This is quite typical transformerless →
Ransomware has become deadly! It does not kill just company profits, it has started also to kill people. Ransomware attack at German hospital leads to death of patient https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-attack-at-german-hospital-leads-to-death-of-patient/ “A person in a life-threatening condition passed away after being forced to go to a more distant hospital due to a ransomware attack.” German Hospital Hacked, →
Drunk Earthworms, Frozen Poop Knives, And Alligators On Helium Win 2020′s Ig Nobel Awards https://www.iflscience.com/physics/drunk-earthworms-frozen-poop-knives-and-alligators-on-helium-win-2020s-ig-nobel-awards/ A project of the Annals of Improbable Research, the Ig Nobel awards initially mocked work that “Cannot or should not be replicated,” but has since expanded to cover any science that “First makes you laugh, then makes you think.” Like →
Finnish corona-virus tracing app is named Koronavilkku. The Koronavilkku smartphone app is published to help break infection chains. Users in Finland can download Koronavilkku to a smart phone (iOS or Android) free of charge from the most popular app stores and the app can be instantaneously downloaded via the links on the koronavilkku.fi website. Koronavilkku →
Friday Funny: Don McMillan’s Take on Venn Diagrams Engineer comedian Don McMillan tells the history of John Venn and his Venn diagrams. https://www.designnews.com/automation/friday-funny-don-mcmillans-take-venn-diagrams →
An FPGA Developer’s Guide to Cheap Development Boards https://www.hackster.io/news/an-fpga-developer-s-guide-to-cheap-development-boards-8f1782bb271a Finally, a detailed and all-encompassing guide for those of us with an addiction to buying new FPGA development boards. Joel Williams’ list starts off by outlining the criteria that he looks for in an FPGA development board. He makes the great point to consider what peripherals →