All about electronics and circuit design
How many servers does it take to power Amazon’s huge cloud computing operation? Like many large Internet companies, Amazon doesn’t disclose details of its infrastructure. Estimate: Amazon Cloud Backed by 450,000 Servers article tells that a researcher from Accenture Technology Labs estimates that Amazon Web Services is using at least 454,400 servers in seven data →
I bought some time ago High Speed USB 2.0 4-Port Hub (White) from Dealextreme. The main reason for buying that was need for USB hub and the LEGO like design of this HUB, also the price was very reasonable ($5.30). The computers (Vista and XP) detected the device well. It was just plug and play →
Many laptops are pretty well known for having terrible audio interfaces. There are usually noise and grounding issues. A recent post Yet Another Dell Laptop Audio Grounding Problem blog posting documents a well known and horrendous audio problem found on many Dell laptops. I have faced similar noise problems also on other laptops as well. →
Wearable Fabric Could Power Your iPhone and Power Felt gives a charge articles tell that a lightweight, flexible thermoelectric fabric called Power Felt could generate enough electricity from body heat to power a small electronic device, like an iPod, or iPhone. The Power Felt fabric, composed of carbon nanotube/polymer thin films, was developed by a →
Humans seem to be more sensitive to be more sensitive to weak very high frequency field than what I have believed. According to research presented in academic dissertationSpontaneous movements of hands in gradients of weak VHF electromagnetic fields concludes that spontaneous hand movement reactions occurred as a response of the human body to the gradients →
I’m Being Followed: How Google—and 104 Other Companies—Are Tracking Me on the Web is a voyage into the invisible business that funds the web. Who are these companies and what do they want from me? Even if you’re generally familiar with the idea of data collection for targeted advertising, the number and variety of these →
There seems to be a push for web based free electronics design tools at the moment. The situation is pretty different from what it used to be years ago when I though it would be good idea to add some form of schematic editing to the ePanorama.net forum, but lack of suitable ready software to →
On many on-line news sited noticed that if you copy and paste any text from the site a reference link appears at the bottom, indicating the source. That functionality could be implemented pretty easily using JavaScript. Add a Copyright Notice to Copied Text article describes you how to do it. All that is needed is →
Let’s take a peek at some of the latest, cutting edge HTML5 Canvas examples out there. 21 Ridiculously Impressive HTML5 Canvas Experiments article has a collection of some ridiculously impressive HTML5 canvas-based experiments that will make you say, “Wow!” Check also HTML5, JavaScript and Canvas – Conway’s Game of Life. →
With tech companies abandoning the proprietary Flash and Silverlight media players for HTML5, it was inevitable somebody would try to inject DRM into the virgin spec. Who’s adding DRM to HTML5? Microsoft, Google and Netflix article tells that Microsoft, Google and Netflix are that “somebody”, having submitted a proposed modification to HTML5 to the World →