All about electronics and circuit design
Iron Sky is a science-fiction comedy film from the makers of small funny budget science-fiction comedy Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (2005). Production of Iron Sky began in early 2006. I have met the film makers (they are from Finland) at Assembly computer festival when they talked about their forthcoming production some years ago. The →
Audio tags are looking to become the new easier alternative to QR code: You don’t need to take a picture of anything in order for them to work. Why Lady Gaga Could Deploy a Sound Only Your Smartphone Can Hear article tells that a startup called SonicNotify embeds inaudibly high-pitched audio signals within music or →
In last week’s SEC filing, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg poked a huge hornet’s nest when he referenced “The Hacker Way.”. Facebook participates in some parts of the larger hacker culture it might have been a mistake for Zuckerberg to refer to Facebook as a company that embodies the hacker way according to Famous hackers discuss →
HTML5 is clearly the way to do web development today. Microsoft: The Web is better without plug-ins article tells that Microsoft began distancing itself from browser plug-ins last year starting with Internet Explorer on Windows 8′s Metro interface. Microsoft just said few days ago clearly: plug-ins are bad for the Web. Also Adobe is being →
Carnegie Mellon HCI students bring your favorite action hero sound effects to life. Arduino-powered glove brings real sound effects to your make believe gun show article tells that a team from Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction course have built a glove that does some interesting tricks. AHRG: Augmented Hyper-Reality Glove video gives you the idea how →
“Tin whiskers” is not an imaginative, fanciful term for some aspect of electronics manufacturing.Tin whiskers are real, and they pose a serious problem for electronics of all types. Tin whiskers can could cause short circuits. The switch to alternative solders (away from traditional tin+lead solder) in order to achieve RoHS compliance has created some challenges →
Our society relies increasingly on information technology (IT). In such a society, it is important that we, as citizens, trust and are satisfied with services utilizing IT. Unfortunately, IT problems in the use of services are part of our daily lives and. And they are frequently reported by the mass media. Usually most of the →
You can see quite often in big events that PA speakers are hidden behind large banners. Often times the event organizers want the speaker stacks covered with some client-related graphics. The question which comes to mind is how much does this kind of covering hurt the sound quality? What is the reality? Do Graphic Vinyl →
Some time ago I saw an interesting video of a new gadget: The WIMM One has a worthy ambition: shifting information from your smartphone screen to your wrist. The aim is to allow you to get on with life rather than pulling your phone from your pocket every thirty seconds. WIMM is a smart watch →
ARM processor becomes more and more popular during year 2012. Power and Integration—ARM Making More Inroads into More Designs. It’s about power—low power; almost no power. A huge and burgeoning market is opening for devices that are handheld and mobile, have rich graphics, deliver 32-bit multicore compute power, include Wi-Fi, web and often 4G connectivity, →