All about electronics and circuit design
One tiny fault inside battery or IC usually makes an entire electronics device is unusable. Scientists from University of Illinois have come up with an interesting solution to this. They have developed a technology to repair broken conductors instantly and automatically, without the people even notice the problem. Self-healing electronics could work longer and reduce →
London 2012 Fireworks–Amazing Sync! London’s spectacular midnight fireworks display, welcoming in 2012. Happy New Year! This is really BRILLIANT. Best camera settings and really cool firework. This makes other large fireworks look mediocre! Thank you Control Geek blog for telling about this. →
Generally, at the end of the year, predictions stream forth as to how this or that new technology will transform the world in the next 12 months. This article is a link collection to articles that try to do that. 2012 and the Technology Blahs article mentions few predictions: We will continue to see innovation →
This is my second product test on Free Product Road Testing program by Farnell. This time the tested product is fused test leads for multimeter (Farnell Number: 428-4276). Why Fused Leads? You might ask why test leads need be fused. Trust me there are situations where this is a really good idea. Maintenance of electrical →
At year 2011 we saw the passing of many of the electronics and computer industry’s greatest engineers and inventors. Jim Williams, who was considered one of the best analog circuit designers in the world, suffered a stroke and passed away on June 12, 2011. An Analog Life: Remembering Jim Williams article gives you information who →
Finish IT magazine Tietoviikko has a nice selection of Christmas videos for developers in the Kehittäjän kanavan jouluvideoerikoinen article. Take a look at those videos (you don’t need to understand the Finnish text on the article to enjoy them). Happy holidays. →
Fundamentals: LED color chart article gives a brief review on color temperature and how it affects white LED light. Despite the fact that LEDs produce light by a process other than heating, we still use correlated color temperature (CCT) when describing the appearance of the LED as it relates to the appearance of a black →
John Huntington’s Blog has covered a lot of holiday light displays over the years. Brooklyn’s Holiday Light Spectacular is the newest one covered on the blog. It tells about Holiday Light Spectacular display with nice pictures, and also gives details on technology behind the display. If you want to do your own holiday light display →
Ethernet for Vehicles Advances article tells that Ethernet technology in the car (a concept that was once unthinkable for the automotive industry) has been gaining momentum lately. The irony of this sudden trend is that a few years ago, Ethernet wasn’t seen as a solution to any applications in the car (one exception for this →
Websocket is a promising technology for more advanced web applications. Websocket allows to make a continuous two-way connection between the application software running on web browser the software running on server. WebSocket represents the next evolutionary step in web communication compared to Comet and Ajax. The WebSocket standard (when it gets ready and widely supported) →