
All about electronics and circuit design

Proper Grounding of Instrument and Control Systems

Proper grounding is an essential component for safely and reliably operating electrical systems. Improper grounding methodology has the potential to bring disastrous results from both an operational as well as a safety standpoint. There are many different categories and types of grounding principles. Proper Grounding of Instrument and Control Systems in Hazardous Locations paper’s primary

Apple's iCloud data center

A peek inside Apple’s iCloud data center web page shows up some photos of the exterior and interior of the new $1bn data center the company has built in Maiden, North Carolina to support its new iCloud storage cloud. There seems to be Teradata gear, maybe HP and NetApp. Teradata data warehousing appliances are actually

Open Spark Project

See Girl Talk, Lady Gaga Performed on Tesla Coils article tells about Open Spark Project that plays music with Tesla coils. Watch the videos. Tesla Orchestra performing Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”:

New tech fails to drive new TV set sales

TV manufacturers try to put in all kind of new technical gimmicks to their products. Top telly tech fails to drive new set sales. The technologies telly makers are promoting in a bid to persuade punters to replace existing TVs are failing to excite consumers: LED backlight technology, internet connectivity and 3D. LED was the

IPv6 day @ 8 June 2011

IPv6 has been considered the internet of the future for the past 15 years. I played with it in the later 1990′s. And after it waiting when it will take on, or will it fail. Disruption might be the only way to force companies into deploying IP version 6 (IPv6) networks. The expected ending of

The Flame Party Helsinki

The Flame Party Helsinki promises to be a day of HOT Open Web (aka HTML5) demo hacking, outdoor BBQ etc… 18th of June 2011. This event if for HTML5 and Open Web geeks, DemoSceners and Internet artists. The Flame Party is organized by the Alternative Party Crew, Mozilla Labs and DOT (the Digital Media Club

Cell phones cause cancer?

Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk article tells that the agency now lists mobile phone use in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform. Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no

WTF is… 4G

The great thing about standards, as some wit once said, is that there are so many to choose from. Mobile phones have a multiplicity of standards, nested within one another like a messy set of Russian dolls filled with alphabet soup. WTF is… 4G article tells about the newest hot mobile phone standard. The ‘generations’

The Architecture of Open Source Applications

Here is one interesting book for all coders. The Architecture of Open Source Applications book has a goal to change the fact that most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well. In the book, the authors of twenty-five open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why.

Listening ground loops

There is a way to “hear” the potential in different parts of your system. The method for checking audible noise is to take an amplifier and some magnetic field picking sensor. You can use a coil connected to a microphone amplifier. Or you can take an old cassette player, remove the magnetic pickup that reads