
All about electronics and circuit design

URL Hunter

URL Hunter is an experimental keyboard-character based game played entirely in your browser’s URL bar. Go to URL hunter web page at http://probablyinteractive.com/url-hunter to see yourself. Is it a good game? Not really. The gameplay is pretty awful, and the concept is naturally pretty limited. But it’s clever and unusual. Great misuse of technology. Another

Ground loops are sometimes OK

Good grounds do not mean you will not get ground loop noise. The two are completely different balls of wax. No matter how much you sand the surface, no how good your connectors are, no matter how tight it is bolted down, you are still going to have ground loops. Having a ground loop does

Robot videos

Here are two interesting to look at robotics articles with video for this Friday: Basketball-Playing Robot Seals Will Rule Us All One Day shows a basketball-playing robot sea. This is a robot seal that can sink baskets at a 99 percent clip to a moving target basket. Google’s self-driving cars take TED attendees for a

Star-Quad Cable in test

Are Star-Quad is well known in the audio industry as a good cable construction to use in demanding environments because its superior handling of EMI. And that reputation is based in science; the Canare document, for example, contains lots of claims which can be tested objectively, and all those claims are rooted in physics-based (reality-based)

Audio crossfader

The DJ mixer crossfader was originally developed as a control for implementing smooth fades from one program source to another, but where did the idea come from? Evolution of the DJ Crossfader article tells the history and development of crossfader in DJ mixers.

Light Peak is now Thunderbolt I/O

Info PR: n/a I: 14,100 L: 0 LD: 23,965 I: 14,800 Rank: 80410 Age: Mar 01, 2000 I: 0 whois source Robo: yes Sitemap: no Rank: 28845 Price: 13397 Links: 86|8 Density Apple and Intel unveil Thunderbolt I/O technology today. After years of waiting Apple has launched its implementation of Intel’s Light Peak standard and

Inductor and dB calculators

You need a certain inductance and looking for the corresponding number of turns, but don’t have the equations on hand or do not have all the data on the cores you have. What do you do? The answer is to use Mini Ring Core Calculator software. It can do calculations for all kinds of inductors

Simple electronics simulation tool

Electronics Demonstrations page has demonstrations that use a Java applet that simulates electronic circuits. This is a pretty nice simple electronics circuit simulator that shows you clearly what happens on different electronics circuits. The movement of yellow dots indicates current flowing on the circuit. Check the demonstrations on the Electronics Demonstrations page and check also


Have a bad habit of overwhelming Firefox with a few dozen too many tabs? So you keep open tabs like libraries keep books… Aren’t you afraid Firefox will consume all your memory? Don’t you fear browser restarts because it takes so long to reload all your tabs? BarTap for Firefox keeps background tabs from loading