All about electronics and circuit design
You can now add a virtual taste anf smell to a tasteless snack! Meiji University in Japan has developed a taste display that can artificially recreate any flavor by triggering the five different tastes on a user’s tongue. Researchers can also create virtual smells by electrocuting your nose. Electric Chopsticks Add Salty Flavor Where None →
Pac-Man is a maze arcade game developed and released by Namco in 1980. The original Japanese title of Puck Man was changed to Pac-Man for international releases. Pac-Man was a widespread critical and commercial success, and has an enduring commercial and cultural legacy that has been featured in many computer games. It was also featured →
Designer Fixes The ‘World’s Worst Logos’ (9 Pics) https://www.boredpanda.com/graphic-designer-redesigned-worst-logos-emanuele-abrate/ A brand logo can make it or break it in the big game. Just look at the most iconic ones. The Italian graphic designer Emanuele Abrate knows very well how bad some logos can be. “I had the idea of redesigning the worst logos ever for →
The USB isolator is a device that will pass USB signal from input to output connector, while providing galvanic isolation between them. USB isolators are used in applications where direct USB connection can create noise (ground loop noise to audio or measurement), direct connection can be unreliable (noise to USB signal) or where isolation is →
A cable tie (also known as a hose tie, zip tie, or by the brand name Ty-Rap) is a type of fastener, for holding items together, primarily electrical cables or wires. The most common cable tie consists of a flexible nylon tape with an integrated gear rack, and on one end a ratchet within a →
269 Clever Illustrations Of ‘Same’ Words That You Probably Confuse Way Too Often https://www.boredpanda.com/easily-confused-words-homophones-bruce-worden/ Omophones (each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling). Poking fun at the English language, Bruce uses minimalistic illustrations to prove that we just have to listen. For without context we couldn’t know →
Electronics prototyping is an important part of electronics device development. Prototyping means to build and test an early version of) an electronic circuit. Prototyping your product is all about learning. Each time you create a prototype version you will, or should, learn something new. Start with the most simple, low cost way to prototype your →
Here is some interesting information on leaking information from air-gapped computers. Most methods shown here use computer power supply to leak some pieces of information. But there are also some other methods shown. A researcher from Israel described a new method to covertly steal highly sensitive data from air-gapped computers using power supply units. Dubbed →
This posting is here to collect cyber security news in May 2020. I post links to security vulnerability news with short descriptions to comments section of this article. If you are interested in cyber security trends, read my Cyber security trends 2020 posting. You are also free to post related links to comments. →
I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and →