All about electronics and circuit design
The Worldwide Web Consortium has unveiled its HTML5 logo. W3C promotes HTML5 with new logo. Here is the HTML5 logo: The irony is that the logo is meant to clear up confusion over the HTML5 moniker. And much like Apple, Google, and Microsoft before it, the organization that oversees HTML5 has confused it with all →
Using low-cost PCBs (printed-circuit boards), you can easily design a board in a few hours with nearly any CAD packag (even the free ones). Most suppliers can fabricate a PCB with line width and spacing down to 0.006 in. Make a quick-turnaround PCB for RF parts article tells that RF circuits usually need 50Ω traces →
Mozilla wants to see the web browser as a new gaming platform in addition to normal browsing use. Mozilla Labs Game On is all about games built, delivered and played on the open Web and the browser. Out of the 160+ submissions to the first competition, 124 games have been selected to be showcased in →
I had to do some repairing for Nokia N73 mobile phone. The problems were on some buttons and charging connector. Mobile phones can be tricky to open and often use special component, which can make repairing sometime hard unless you know exactly what you do. A real goldmine for anyone attempting to star repairing a →
LEDs are used for a long time for all kinds of data communications applications ranging from wireless IR remote controls and IrDA to wired fiber optics communication. There has been many years ago also ideas on optical wireless LANs based on infrared, but they faded quickly. But now when LED lights are becoming very popular →
When visiting Motonet show one day I saw LED light bubs display with following match for LED bulb power to classic light bulb watts (similar idea as in energy saving lamps matches certain watts normal bulb). The power ratings I saw was: 1.3W LED would match 13W normal bulb. And 2W LED would match 20W →
Whatever assurances have been given about the security of GSM cellphone calls, forget about them now. Breaking GSM With a $15 Phone … Plus Smarts article tells that a pair of researchers demonstrated a start-to-finish means of eavesdropping on encrypted GSM cellphone calls and text messages, using only four sub-$15 telephones as network “sniffers,” a →
The first law of musical robotics: rock hard. Rock Robots: PAM Can Seriously Shred, Open Source MARIE Could Do Even More article shows you some interesting videos on robotic musical experiments. Here is one of them. →
The European Commission supports industry’s commitment to provide a common charger for mobile telephones. Commission welcomes new EU standards for common mobile phone charger: European Standardisation Bodies CEN-CENELEC and ETSI have now made available the harmonised standards. The industry commits to provide chargers compatibility on the basis of the Micro-USB connector. The technical number for →
Use FPGAs for stunning surveillance camera images is a cool article on image processing performed inside modern surveillance cameras. The “stunning images” are made possible by utilizing the latest in high definition high dynamic range CMOS image sensor technology. The “valuable information” is provided by adding intelligence in the camera that can look for the →