All about electronics and circuit design
Producing Open Source Software book tells how to run a Successful free software project. This book is about t the human side of open source development. It describes how successful projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the culture of free software. The book is released under an open copyright: it is available →
LED light manufacturers are often claiming 50,000 hours or more for lighting lifetime. Unfortunately many times those lifetime expectations are not met. Usually the makers of those high those lifetime promises forget to include the lifetime and reliability of all components, and the real-world thermal conditions the LEDs are subjected too. Just a few years →
I really like those electronics manufacturers that have the schematics of their devices on their data-sheets or manuals down-loadable from their site. Those schematics can aid in deciding if the equipment is well built, help in repair, designing possible modification and can be aid when you need to make your own designs that have similar →
Your photo files actually contain hidden information. EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, and is a standard for storing interchange information in image files, especially those using JPEG compression. Most digital cameras now use the EXIF format to ecord of the settings a camera used to take a photo or video. This information is →
HDMI uses copy protection system called HDCP. The system is meant to stop HDCP-encrypted content from being played on devices that do not support HDCP or which have been modified to copy HDCP content. Manufacturers who want to make a device that supports HDCP must obtain a license from Intel subsidiary Digital Content Protection, pay →
The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive film by Chris Milk. This masterpiece music video film is built using HTML5 technologies (unfortunately at the moment works only with Google Chrome browser). The music video tooks the user back to their childhood on an interactive journey set to the backdrop of We Used to Wait by the →
Weekend Project: Make a Simple Laser Communicator – Secretly shoot your voice across the room in stealth mode on the beam of a laser! Looks like an interesting project. Weekend Project: Make a Talking Booby Trap – Having trouble with people snatching your stuff? Here is an inexpensive, sneaky gizmo you can make to keep →
I received this kind of mail some time ago (part of the mail posted here with the permission from the writer): “His cable stopped working so he called the cable company. The cable guy unhooked the coaxial from the main box. After he unhooked the coax he struck it on the side of the amplifier →
Safety must always remain priority number one when doing measurements with multimeters. Working safely, while making electrical measurements, is not rocket science. It’s a simple combination of careful planning, safe practices and using the right tools in the right way. The more voltage and current is present in the circuit, more careful you have to →
How to fit your website for the Apple iPad article tells what to do to make your web site work nicely on mobile devices like iPhone, iPad and many other. The viewport meta tag was introduced by Apple for the iPhone, and it has since been picked up by Microsoft for Windows Mobile and Nokia →