
All about electronics and circuit design

XLR connectors

The XLR connector is an electrical connector design used mostly in professional audio and video electronics cabling applications, for microphones and line level signals. The most common is the three-pin XLR3, used almost universally as a balanced audio connector for high quality microphones and connections between equipment. XLR connectors are superior to many other audio

Secret world of oscilloscope probes

Secret world of oscilloscope probles article written by Doug Ford and published by Silicon Chip magazine, describes how high frequency oscilloscope probes really work. Most textbooks treat scope probes as a combination of a resistive divider in combination with capacitors to provide an extended frequency response. But as will be revealed, the reality is that

Compression using Canvas and PNG

This is one crazy web coding idea to compress web data! If you want to compress JavaScript and CSS you could reverse engineer a packing algorithm in JavaScript or you could use a lossless packing system that is already in use and supported in browsers (and designed for completely different things). Compression using Canvas and

Ceramic capacitor failures

Multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCs) have become one of the most widely used components in the manufacture of surface mount assemblies, and are inherently very reliable. But because they are made of ceramics that is brittle, these normally trustworthy devices can fail unexpectedly if they are not handled right in the electronics layout design and manufacturing.

Audio equipment tweaking

Some people love tweaking their equipment. Quite often some tweaking does not really change anything you hear, and sometimes there might be noticeable change, but not always for the better. Most of the time, second-guessing a piece of equipment’s designer component choices results worse than original performance. There are cases where tweaking can have difference,

Web design for engineers

I hate e-book flippy magazines. I am repeatedly amazed at the collective delusion that seems to strike otherwise sensible engineering magazine publishers and editors when they are exposed to this Flash-based junkware. The publishers try to make the magazine to look a magazine page: with excess white space, multiple columns, unnecessary page footers and page

New web fonts

A font provides a resource containing the visual representation of characters. Web Typography has been traditionally been pretty limited. Until font downloading technology is perfected, Web designers must normally restrict themselves to fonts that are available on most users’ computer systems. Because of technical (and licensing) restrictions, dynamic fonts used on the web have been

Color guidelines

Color guidelines: It’s not black and white article tells that there are different meanings of color in various countries. Think about who your audience is, and what context the colors are in. The challenge is that web projects are on the internet, which has an international audience. Here is a table from the article: As

Not so boring sorting algorithms

Anyone who has ever done a programming course or tried to learn to code out of a book will have come across sorting algorithms. Bubble, heap, merge, there’s a long list of these methods of sorting data. The subject matter is fairly dry, and is usually presented in a prety boring way. Sorting algorithms: quite

Fluke 117 Multimeter Review and Teardown

EEVblog #60 – Fluke 117 Multimeter Review and Teardown is an interesting review video on a Fluke multimeter. If you are looking for cheaper multimeters check $50 Multimeter Shootout from the same source. You should also look Why cheap multimeters suck.