All about electronics and circuit design
Star-quad design is sometimes quite a bit of talked about cable type. When I saw Star-Quad Cables and Double-Blind Testing posting at Controlgeek blog I decided that it would be a good idea to write something about them. Several companies use a quad configuration in their balanced cables instead of a twisted pair; Canare calls →
Hacking for An Audience gives an overview of entertainment technology for live shows, details some of the ways technology has been “misused” in entertainment industry, and also details some reliability strategies that are used to make sure that the show goes on. This presentation was held at The Next Hope conference by John Huntington. This →
Responsive Web Design is a really worth to read text on web design. The control which designers know in the print medium, and often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design →
It’s pretty amazing what can be sold in the pursuit of better sound. As it turns out, most of these subtle yet pricey upgrades/enhancements are nothing more than placebo. Audio myths dispelled video is a part of a panel discussion / workshop held at the 2009 AES show in NYC. Ethan Winer posted this in-depth →
Grounding Complications is a very informative 28 slide set from PowerCET. It worth to read for everybody working with ground loops and electrical wiring. The slide set concentrates on following issues: Sensitive Equipment, Isolated grounding and Supplemental grounds. The slide set tells about wiring practices in use in USA, but there are also general information →
Everybody seems to be saying that you can’t charge Apple devices with normal USB power supplies. You need a special power supply from Apple or approved by Apple. I saw this kind of discussion at slashdot some time ago. Usually, device makers need to sign a confidentially agreement with Apple if they want to say →
Everyone knows and loves Pacman game. Programmer Dale Harvey has created a playable version of Pac-Man because writing a simple browser game seemed like a good idea. He is using only web standards: localStorage, HTML5 Audio, Canvas and @font-face. To play Harvey’s game, you’ll need to use a browser that supports the HTML5 elements he’s →
Why bad 3D, not 3D glasses, is what gives you a headache article tells that it’s not the 3D technology’s fault, it’s really the baddly made 3D content that can cause the headaches some people get at 3D movies. There are several common mistakes that can cause discomfort, and easy ways for that to be →
Tesla coils and other high voltage equipment that make sparks are always interesting. For that reason ArcAttack is an interesting performance art group that specializes in playing music through a combination of home made, high tech instruments, and more traditional instruments. The main attraction of their performance is the use of two custom built Singing →
Allen Avionics Audio Isolation Transformers page describes the typical ground loop problem situation with the following drawing: If you want to do the ground loop elimination in audio path, you have to cut the galvanic connection but pass the whole audio range. The simplest and most common way to do the isolation is use audio →