
All about electronics and circuit design


NetFPGA is a FPGA based line-rate, flexible, and open platform for research, and classroom experimentation. I found the address of this page because one of the blog comments had link to this web site. Looks interesting. The NetFPGA platform promises that it enables researchers and instructors to build working prototypes of high-speed, hardware-accelerated networking systems.

Design Tips for Programmers

Design is pretty important. Steve Jobs said “Design is how it works” not just how it looks. If you don’t appreciate that design is a fundamentally important part of your software, then no tips in the world can help. Design Tips for Programmers article can give you some useful tips for designing software user interfaces

Cool thing from Assembly Summer 2010

I visited Assembly Summer 2010 computer festival this weekend. There were many interesting multimedia presentations shown there and some interesting seminars. Check the competition results and view the winners easily on Assembly Summer 2010 gallery and more on YouTube. Check also Future Crew documentary. In the seminars Andreas Jakl from Nokia presented material on programming

151,200 LEDs

Design News reports and interesting LED lighting application. In Brussels, the Dexia Tower office building uses 151,200 LEDs to illuminate the entire building. Each window is illuminated by a row of 12 RGB LEDs along the bottom of the windowpane. A computer controls the whole display. Watch the Youtube video of the building LEDs in

Assembly TV 2010 is broadcasting

Assembly TV has just started the Internet broadcasting from Assembly Summer 2010 Festival. Expect to see lots of interesting material. In this example screen capture you see that you can make interesting demo with Texas Instruments graphical calculator.. More amazing stuff coming on other platforms. View the Internet broadcast at http://www.assemblytv.net/ on your web browser.

Website design for users

University Website picture at xkcd web site tells a story that quite often that many web sites put wrong things on their main page: Enjoy and learn from the picture. Avoid making the same mistakes yourself.

HDMI cable naming confusion

HDMI cabling is already an area in which confusion drives people to spend more than they need to. In many ways HDMI has revolutionized the way we connect devices. By unifying video and audio into a single cable manufacturers have been able to make their products easier to setup than ever before. But HDMI was

New Programming Jargon

Every field comes up with its own jargon. New Programming Jargon article lists programming terms that different programmers or their team have coined and have come into regular use in their own circles. Interesting and in some parts funny reading.

Multimeter design fail

The monkeys got my multimeter article has an interesting video that shows a really crappy design aspect of this IDEAL multimeter. Was this caused by a design or specification problem is hard to say. Very probably, for an economy DMM like this one, the ability to operate the buttons without rear support (i.e. your own