
All about electronics and circuit design

Earth’s magnetic field is changing

It seems that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening and changing at the moment. The magnetic North is moving towards Siberia and South Atlantic Anomaly weakening the Earth’s magnetic field. There is some fear that the weakening is causing technical problems for satellites and could have other effects. Here are some links to news on this

Change of computing terms?

ZDnet reports at https://www.zdnet.com/article/github-to-replace-master-with-alternative-term-to-avoid-slavery-references/ that a number of people and companies plan to drop terms like “master” and “slave” for alternatives like “main/default/primary” and “secondary;” but also terms like “blacklist” and “whitelist” for “allow list” and “deny/exclude list.” ZDNet found that projects like the OpenSSL encryption software library, automation software Ansible, Microsoft’s PowerShell scripting language,

My DIY lab power supply

An adjustable regulated power supply is a necessary tool for an electronics laboratory. Here is a laboratory power supply 2.7-30V up to 4A I built has worked for 30 years ago and still going strong. Its function is to supply a stable voltage set by the voltage control potentiometer up to the current set by

Cyber security news June 2020

This posting is here to collect cyber security news in June 2020. I post links to security vulnerability news with short descriptions to comments section of this article. If you are interested in cyber security trends, read my Cyber security trends 2020 posting. You are also free to post related links to comments.

Uusiteknologia 1/2020 magazine published

Uusiteknologia.fi is a Finnish language electronics and technology professionals magazine published on-line. In the newest issue have written articles on many high tech topics (text in Finnish with short introduction in English). Earlier issues have been published as an electronic magazine that looks like a regular printed magazine, but this newest issue is published in

Pac-Man at 40

Pac-Man is a maze arcade game developed and released by Namco in 1980. The original Japanese title of Puck Man was changed to Pac-Man for international releases. Pac-Man was a widespread critical and commercial success, and has an enduring commercial and cultural legacy that has been featured in many computer games. It was also featured

Friday Fun: Worst logos fixed

Designer Fixes The ‘World’s Worst Logos’ (9 Pics) https://www.boredpanda.com/graphic-designer-redesigned-worst-logos-emanuele-abrate/ A brand logo can make it or break it in the big game. Just look at the most iconic ones. The Italian graphic designer Emanuele Abrate knows very well how bad some logos can be. “I had the idea of redesigning the worst logos ever for

USB isolator

The USB isolator is a device that will pass USB signal from input to output connector, while providing galvanic isolation between them. USB isolators are used in applications where direct USB connection can create noise (ground loop noise to audio or measurement), direct connection can be unreliable (noise to USB signal) or where isolation is