All about electronics and circuit design
A key factor in the web’s success is that its core technologies such as HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, etc. are open and freely implementable. Though video is also now core to the web experience, there is unfortunately no open and free video format that is on par with the leading commercial choices. VP8, a high-quality video →
Sing Talk is a very fynny music video parody of Kesha hit Tik Tok from collegehumor.com. Enjoy watching it. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. I saw this first at control geek blog. →
Nikola Tesla was an inventor and a mechanic and electrical engineer. He was one of the most important contributors to the birth of commercial electricity. In the field of electrical engineering, Tesla enriched the world with more than 700 registered inventions, many of which were so far in advance of their times that they could →
Crimping without a crimp gun video tells how to install a 0.1″ crimp connection with pliers if you don’t have a crimping tool. If you don’t have many connections to make this method works OK. I have used similar methods myself. When you need to make many connections, it is a good idea to invest →
FCC lets movie industry selectively break your TV article says that the Federal Communications Commission decided that the movie industry can remotely disable analog video outputs on your home theater equipment to prevent you from recording certain programs. First-run movies would be to be directly sent to consumers over secure TV lines. This does not →
May 11, 1951: RAM Is Born article tells Jay Forrester files a patent application for the matrix core memory that day. A team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology led Jay Forrester developed a three-dimensional magnetic structure code-named Project Whirlwind. In short, magnetic core memory was the first random access memory that was practical, reliable and →
How to put a BNC on RG59 coaxial cable properly is a nice instructional video how to properly crimp a connector to coaxial cable. →
Production Manager Design of Eurovision 2010 Song Contest is keeping on on-line diary of the production. If you are interested in show technology and work behind big TV production, read Eurovision Diary 2010. Around one year ago I write about Eurovision 2009 diary, so if you have not read that article artier, it is now →
The State of Web Development 2010 report is about survey of professional web designers and developers. It includes details and analysis of all the responses to over 50 questions covering technologies, techniques, philosophies and practices that today’s web professionals employ. Start reading from viewing the PDF infographic overview.Note how unpopular Microsoft IE browser is here →
LED car headlights are a promising technology. They have many advantages over filament bulbs (longer life, faster on/off times, lower power consumption) but the technology has still limitations. LEDs can be used as car headlight when the lighting system is specifically designed for LEDs. There are even some DIY projects for this. The current LED →