All about electronics and circuit design
For good macro photography you need to have good light. Getting nice light nicely to location near camera lens can be sometimes hard. Some photographers use special Macro Photo Studio. Some macro photographers use two flashes mounted on opposite sides of the lens. Some prefer to use ring lights. After some experimenting I thought that →
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks like Internet. The pool.ntp.org project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers providing reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients. Unfortunately NTP cannot be used everywhere without problems. NTP uses UDP on →
April Fools: Math Class Shadow video shows an awesome prank by a math teacher Professor Matthew Weathers from Biola University. This prank mixes a pre-edited video with live action. 2009 Halloween Math Class v2 is a another funny video of a specially prepared math lecture from the same professor to honor of Halloween. →
The iPad The iPad is a tablet computer developed by Apple Inc. Since the announcement of it in January 2010 it has been one of the most talked about technology gadget. Understanding the iPad’s Industrial Design article tells that iPad is the culmination of Jon Ive’s quest for the ultimate industrial design, a search for →
There are many plans for DIY video projectors on the net: Easy DIY iPod projector, $6 Ipod Nano Projector, DIY iPod Video Projector – Requires no Power or Disassembly of the iPod, Super Sleek iPod or Other Device Video Projector and Make an iPod Video Projector. This is a good opportunity to build a simple →
The demand for larger displays in small handheld devices makes choosing the right touch technology critical. Choosing a touch technology for handheld-system applications tells how different touch technologies work. The article is also available in pdf format. →
Twitter s a simple microblogging service that allows users to make posts (called tweets) of up to 140 characters that answer the question “What are you doing now?”. Twitter is one of the biggest sensations in the Web 2.0 world. If you are creative person, you might find other uses for the service like this. →
April Fools Day is not too far away. It is celebrated in most parts of the world people either hate it or love it, but they just can’t ignore it. Top 100 April Fools Pranks and Gadgets gives you a lot of ideas for preparing for all the wonderful pranks and that that cool gadgets →
New advances in optical communications are always interesting. IBM Scientists Create Ultra-Fast Device Which Uses Light for Communication between Computer Chips and IBM jumps ‘last hurdle’ to on-chip optical communication articles tell that IBM scientists few weeks ago unveiled a significant step towards replacing electrical signals that communicate via copper wires between computer chips with →
ePanorama.net is now running on a new more powerful web server. Things should be now running more smoothly. Enjoy the new speed. Report if you see any problems on the new server. →