
All about electronics and circuit design

Extremely simple stepper driver circuit

The normal way to drive a stepper motor is to use switched-dc voltages to energize the stepper motor coils one by one after each other. But a stepper motor will run off ac lines if you introduce a 90° phase shift between the voltages applied to the motor’s two windings. The extremely simple circuit in

Modern sound and light controlling

A Sound/Show Control Guy’s Take On the grandMA2 blog posting tells about MA Lighting grandMA2 system. The article describes a very modern control system for audio, lighting and many other things needed to run a show. Interesting text and lots of pictures. A funny thing in the keyboard is that instead of ENTER key there

Sensible web site design

The original idea of http/html was to make it easier to share information between academics, especially report. The idea on the web was that the information is presented in the way that it can be viewed in many ways and using many different devices. On the old days there were both text based and graphical

Lego router and PC

Luke’s Weblog shows how LEGO blocks can be used to build the case for a WRT54GL wireless router and a PC. Lot’s of normal LEGO blocks and lots of work is needed to build those projects. The postings are is filled with goof pictures and videos how those fun projects were built.

My FAQs have new home here

I have maintained three FAQ lists for many years. Those FAQs are VGA to workstation monitor FAQ, sfnet.harrastus.audio+video usein kysytyt kysymykset (FAQ) and sfnet.harrastus.elektroniikka usein kysytyt kysymykset. VGA to workstation monitor FAQ tells how to interface different RGB monitors to to PC VGA output and a little bit about connecting other RGB signal sources than

Differential video amplifiers

Differential amplifier approach uses an operational Amplifier. Operational Amplifiers only amplify the difference between the two input lines. This method eliminates common mode noise between the incoming signals by making A-B=C, as only the difference between A & B are amplified. Operational amplifiers is maintain wide bandwidth signals throughout your system while eliminating ground loop

Linux tips from IBM

GUIs are fine, but to unlock the real power of Linux®, there’s no substitute for the command line. Learn Linux, 101: The Linux command line article is about getting comfortable with GNU and UNIX commands if you are not already comfortable with them. In this article, Ian Shields introduces you to some of the major

Wellcome to N-format war

The end of physical formats for movie and TV shows could be called digital convergence, a happy, wonderfully singular, unified digital world. Content moves seamlessly from your multifunction portable device to your TV, between your computers, and to every monitor and audio system and random networked appliance in between. This would be theoretically and technically