All about electronics and circuit design
Shanzhai ji gallery: Fake phones from China article looks into a Shanghai tech market to sort the fake from the real and to see how the fake iPhones stack up to the real thing. There are many brands of China Mobile Phones and almost of them are fake mobile phones with cheap price. This is →
The main selling points of Java is that it can actually be used on any computer. All that the computer needs is an interpreter for Java bytecode. Such an interpreter simulates the Java virtual machine in the same way that Virtual PC simulates a PC computer. Theoretically if you write a Java program well, it →
I visited Microsoft Tech Days 2010 two days ago (I got free ticket), and if you are interested in technical stuff I leaned at the event and understand Finnish, you can my news report of that event published at Prosessori web site. I saw a quite interesting musical performance on the evening party. There was →
Nothing is perfect. The most common digital security technique used to protect both media copyright and Internet communications has a major weakness. RSA authentication is a popular encryption method. he RSA algorithm gives security under the assumption that as long as the private key is private, you can’t break in unless you guess it. Researchers →
Current design methodologies, whether for software or hardware, are in constant pursuit of making applications faster. In the office PC environment there is more than enough power for typical business applications, and they can be written using tools that are not the most optimized for execution speed (for example Java, .NET, scripting languages, web application →
Google says desktop PC is three years from ‘irrelevance’. Google Europe boss John Herlihy told a “baffled” conference audience that very soon the smartphone will completely eclipse the desktop. “In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant,” he said. “In Japan, most research is done today on smart phones, not PCs.” Herlihy was trying to →
Moore’s Law observes that the number of transistors doubles for the same area every two years. Strange that this law has hold for a long time. This has made some people to predict that that 32-bit processors will replace 8-bit processors. The argument starts with the fact that the relative size difference between an 8- →
Live DOM Viewer is a nice JavaScript tool for playing with web page DOM (Document Object Model). This JavaScript powered web page shows you four boxes: HTML source editing box, document DOM view, rendered document view and log. The scrip comes with very simple example data, for better testing you can paste your HTML code →
Shocking news: 1 in 3 laptops fail in the first three years of ownership! So run, don’t walk, to purchase your warranty if you believe the figures! Generally extra warranty the on electronics the shops try to sell are virtually never worth the price (according to almost ever consumer organization). Could the situation be different →
I visited yeasterday Mobile Dev Camp. Mobile Dev Camp is a one day event devoted to developing mobile applications on the latest mobile platforms such as iPhone, Android, Maemo. It is held in Helsinki Finland. The end result waht I got from the presentations I followed that web techniologies are coming more and more into →