All about electronics and circuit design
phpguru.org has a nice PCRE cheat sheet. Take a look at it if you work with PHP. That cheat sheet is inspired by regex cheat sheet by ILoveJackDaniels.com that I used to use. Now that great site is known as and has a good collection of free Cheat Sheets, printable quick references for a variety →
Lightning Reveals Its Power in Slow Motion article on Wired has a series of videos that combines severe weather, electricity, and technology. The maker of those videos, Tom Warner, documents the powerful beauty of lightning with an array of optical and electromagnetic sensors. “Lightning is one of nature’s most spectacular phenomena,” says Warner. “I want →
This is a really neat trick I just read about. LackRack is the ultimate, low-cost, high shininess solution for your modular datacenter-in-the-living-room. Its low-cost and perfect fit are great for mounting up to 8 U of 19″ hardware, such as switches (see below), or perhaps other 19″ gear. Featuring the LACK (side table) from Ikea, →
An HD Video Tour of the International Space Station is simple walkthrough of this incredible project and all its corners. This video tour of the International Space Station is an interesting video, but is has also some annoying things on it. It sometimes overuses picture in picture and superimposed images effects in the video. Just →
I just found an useful web favicon generator on-line tool at http://www.favicon.cc/. You can paint your logo with the web tool and download when you are finished. Then just put the favicon.ico file into your webserver directory and you are ready. This on-line tools also support generating favicon from an exiting picture that you can →
All the good ideas have been gone in high end AV industry? Why work hard for something original when you can just license it and use your brand to warrant charging huge extra for the same electronics? Are high-end brands just becoming marketing and no real engineering or quality benefits… In earlier blog post there →
Bruce Schneier blog post Anonymity and the Internet has interesting points on Internet security. I can agree many of them. Universal identification is portrayed by some as the holy grail of Internet security and that anonymity is bad. According to the blog this is not the case. The problem is that universal identification won’t work. →
When Nokia bought Symbian in 2008, nobody had any reason to believe their thoughts were anywhere near Open Source. Parts of the Symbian platform have been Open Source for quite some time and other portions have slowly been released. Symbian, maker of the the world’s most popular mobile operating system, has just completed the transition →
Everyone knows that movie popcorn is one of the biggest ripoffs, right? It turns out that movie popcorn carries a 600 percent markup. The biggest ripoff: text message beats movie popcorn article tells that the text messaging has a much bigger markup. Text messages themselves, are just tiny blips of data being transferred to and →
The normal way to drive a stepper motor is to use switched-dc voltages to energize the stepper motor coils one by one after each other. But a stepper motor will run off ac lines if you introduce a 90° phase shift between the voltages applied to the motor’s two windings. The extremely simple circuit in →