All about electronics and circuit design
A Peek into the Future of Industrial Communications https://www.mwrf.com/technologies/systems/article/21244901/a-peek-into-the-future-of-industrial-communications?utm_source=RF+MWRF+Today&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CPS220624087&o_eid=7211D2691390C9R&rdx.ident%5Bpull%5D=omeda%7C7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R This article provides an overview of the most promising network technologies and innovations, such as time-sensitive networking, and looks at how they’re revolutionizing industrial communications. Here are some links to some other related articles: https://www.electronicdesign.com/blogs/altembedded/article/21240842/electronic-design-the-evolution-of-ethernet Time for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Synchronization of clocks across the network →
HTML is not a programming language. As its name indicates (Hypertext Markup Language), it’s a markup language used for creating and structuring content on the web. This funny project wanted to turn HTML to a programming language: HTML, The Programming Language https://html-lang.org/ HTML, the programming language, is a practical, turing-complete[1], stack-based programming language based on →
I just opened the article/blog section on Concergens company web page with my post about information security trends especially related to embedded systems and IoT. More regulation is coming this year and next year. The blog post is available in English and Finnish languages. Information security requirements are increasing https://www.convergens.fi/post/information-security-requirements-are-increasing Tietoturvavaatimukset kasvavat https://www.convergens.fi/fi/post/tietoturvavaatimukset-kasvavat Earlier related →
A massive solar storm rocked the Earth’s atmosphere with charged particles this weekend, triggering spectacular auroras in the night sky across a substantial swath of both North America and Europe. Over the last weekend, one of the strongest geomagnetic storms of the millennium was experienced. ‘Extreme’ solar storm triggers Northern Lights as far south as →
This posting is here to collect cyber security news in May 2024. I post links to security vulnerability news to comments of this article. You are also free to post related links to comments. →
Depends what you want. I’d go with a microcontroller for starts so you can change it programmatically. I’d bet someone has done it with an Arduino or Pi. Here are some links to interesting looking projects. Those circuits operate mostly at safe low voltages and control low power LEDs. The same ideas can be used →
A resistor is a resistor, a coil is a plain ol’ inductance, and a capacitor is a capacitor – or so you thought. Alas, life isn’t quite so trivial… There are non-ideal properties of real components. Capacitors have non-idealities that you should know about when designing electronics circuits. If you are building high frequency circuits →
Here are links to some useful audio measurement software: https://www.roomeqwizard.com/ Many people rely on the Room EQ Wizard (REW) software. This “donationware” program measures every aspect of room acoustics (e.g., frequency response, reverb decay times, and much more). It also includes a distortion analyzer to measure the distortion of loudspeakers. Coupled with a high-quality sound →
Audio Engineer Shitposting on Facebook has a competition: Turn any famous song lyrics into a bad mixing advice. The original examples were those: Whoa, we’re half way there Whoa oh, don’t eq your snare She was a streamer girl he was a pirate boy? It gave me inspiration to make some of my own mixing →
Happy birthday to Basic, possibly the most important programming language of all time! The Easy-to-use language that drove Apple, TRS-80, IBM, and Commodore PCs debuted in 1964. The BASIC programming language turns 60 article says: “Sixty years ago, on May 1, 1964, at 4 am in the morning, a quiet revolution in computing began at →