Search Results for "HTML5"

74 results found.

Why mobile web apps are slow

Web technologies like HTML5 are the future of mobile application development, but there are also problems: many Mobile web apps are slow. JavaScript performance is essential to many modern web apps. When Java applets failed, JavaScript became the language of the Web. One big reason for slowness of many mobile apps is that is that

Web everywhere

Coming to an e-book or car near you: the Web article tells that World Wide Web Consortium now have groups adapting Web technology for the automotive and publishing industries (traditionally two pretty narrow domains). “The Web equals publishing,” Jaffe said. “There’s really no difference anymore.” Interactivity is part of the reason the automotive industry is

Computer technologies for 2013

Gartner believes that software and hardware companies do better in 2013 than last year. I hope so this happens, it would be good for the industry. Gartner Says Worldwide IT Spending Forecast to Reach $3.7 Trillion in 2013. That would be 4.2 percent increase from 2012 spending. At the moment uncertainties surrounding prospects for an

Ubuntu now fits in your phone

My earlier blog posting Ubuntu Linux for Smartphones from 2011 reported Ubuntu Linux heads to smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Canonical plans to compete against Android, iOS and Windows on the smartphones. Now Canonical has something to tell on smartphone sector: Canonical unveils Ubuntu phone OS that doubles as a “full PC”. Ubuntu now fits

Aftermath: Hot trends 2012

I wrote in the beginning of the year 2012 a blog article Hot trends for 2012 that tried to predict trends for year 2012. Now when year 2013 has started here is my aftermath how well my article predicted last year. So here are my comments on how well the predictions went. I use symbol

HTML 5.0 and 5.1

HTML 5 specification might get ready (up to certain point at least) in few years if we are are lucky. W3C reveals plan to finish HTML5 and HTML 5.1 article tells that the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) says it’s still on track to release the final HTML5 specification in 2014. The plan (not yet officially

Windows 8 on ARM

Windows 8 Release Expected in 2012 article says that Windows 8 will be with us in 2012. Windows 8 Features And Release Date article expect Windows 8 to be launched sometime in mid-late 2012. For details how Windows 8 looks take a look at Building “Windows 8″ – Video #1. For latest details check also