All about electronics and circuit design
See ‘Avatar,’ Diagnose Your Vision Problems web article says that 56 percent of people aged 18 to 38 have vision problems that could make it difficult to view 3-D properly. Not everyone’s eyes can perceive perceive the stereo images correctly, and then their brain can’t merge them into one image in 3-D. This can cause →
The German and French governments have warned web users to find an alternative browser to Internet Explorer to protect security. Microsoft has admitted that IE was the weak link in recent attacks on Google’s systems. That Operation Aurora attack used Chinese malware. This broad attack exploits a new, not publicly known vulnerability in Microsoft Internet →
Fiber optic microscopes are used to inspect connectors to check the quality of the termination procedure and diagnose problems. A well made connector will have a clean, smooth, polished and scratch free finish. There is not be any signs ofcracks, chips or fiber not even with the ferrule front. The magnification for viewing connectors can →
When working with fiber optics, you need some special tools to check fiber connections. Continuity checking makes certain the fibers are not broken and to trace a path of a fiber from one end to another through many connections. You can use a visible light “fiber optic tracer” or “pocket visual fault locator“. It looks →
Symbian is the world’s most popular mobile operating system, accounting for 50% of smartphone sales according to Wikipedia. The Symbian Blog posting Progress on the Symbian^3 and Symbian^4 contribution plans tells the quantity and quality of features that the community is planning for Symbian^3 mobile phone operating system. Symbian^3 is nearing Functionally Complete (expected to →
How much does the components that make a smartphone cost? iSuppli has analyzed over the years the cost of the components to make several cellular phones and other electronics gadgets. Interesting reading always when you get your hand to this material. Nexus One is the new HTC Phone, with a Goggle name on it, with →
There are so many processor options for embedded-system applications that it is easy to miss the perfect fit just because you do not know it even exists. EDN microprocessor/microcontroller directory has kept electronics designers up to date on available microprocessors/microcontrollers for 36 years. You have access a wealth of information on more than 70 vendors →
3D TVs promise to add an extra visual dimension to the video content. TV makers have made a big bet on 3D. According to Reurters television manufacturers are banking on 3D TVs for their next sales boost. The manufacturers heavily in 3D game include Sony, Panasonic, LG and Samsung. All of them will feature 3D →
Android is a rising mobile operating system running on the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Android Inc., a firm later purchased by Google. Google opened the entire source code (including network and telephony stacks) under an Apache License. Android has been available as open source since 21 October 2008. Android allows developers to →
Survey shows how users want more on mobiles article tells about a survey conducted by ABI Research on behalf of Mirics Semiconductor Ltd. Mirics had paid for the survey because although it was commonly held that consumers wanted more bandwidth and more services to their mobile devices the company had not seen factual evidence to →