All about electronics and circuit design
Grad student at the University of Houston who has designed a cardboard case for a computer. This is not a new concept, but this one is meant to be used in manufacture. The idea is that it will be faster and easier to produce (no fasteners for example) and dramatically easier to recycle. Houston Chronicle →
Remember that a real life return path for current is not an ocean of zero impedance. Some engineers draw every ground as a wire because even copper planes have impendance. This approach might be one reason that makes some audio engineers more think of using single-point grounding. By discarding ground planes in favor of thin →
Video isolation transformers are primarily used in CCTV application in fields of security, manufacturing, avionics and display. The video isolation transformer is an extremely broad bandpass 1:1 isolation transformer. Its hum isolation is very good and it can sustain very high noise voltages without degradation. Isolation decreases with increasing noise frequency. Video signals can transformer →
Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage tells how to store hundreds of petabytes of customer data in a reliable, scalable way—and keep costs low. Backblaze decided to build their own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867. Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage article →
I saw this interesting stunt mentioned on several news sites: Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa’s Telkom. According to the article a South African information technology company Unlimited IT proved that it was faster for them to transmit data with a carrier pigeon than to send it using Telkom , the country’s leading internet →
Why pay somebody to do it for you when you can build it yourself! Build Your Own Server web page gives you instructions how to build your own file server. This server is based on normal PC hardware runs using Ubuntu Linux operating system. →
YouTube video U2 360 tour hampden park time lapse is a time-laps of the u2 concert being set up in Hampden Park Scotland. According the video decription I took over 3000 photos 1 minute apart over several days to create this five minute video. →
Ground loop elimination in video systems does not always ask for a complete isolation of the grounds. There are passive hum suppressor transformers that will very effectively remove the hum from the video signal, but do not affect the video signal otherwise. Those special transformers act like a common mode coils, which stop the annoying →
RC filter or amplifier’s lowpass filter at the input of a delta-sigma ADC is normally put there to reduce noise. But sometimes adding a filter can produce a noisier digital output than without that filter. Using an analog filter to inject noise article tells that it is as easy to eliminate higher-frequency noise with an →
Researches are developing a new generation of contact lenses built with very small circuits and LEDs. They promises bionic eyesight in the future. Bionanotechnology researcher Babak A Parviz writes about his research toward producing a computer interface in a contact lens at IEEE Spectrum article Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens. The author states that, →