All about electronics and circuit design
Open Source Licenses document Zack Rusin published at KDE web site gives a good overview of different open source licenses. Here you can find the most important details of the most commonly used open source licenses in a very compact easy to understand format. →
3D Projection on buildings video at http://www.loodzwaar.com/2009/07/21/3d-projection-media/ shows amazing visuals that can be made by projecting 3D graphics to buildings. Take a look at this video. →
Power and Grounding for Audio and Audio/Video Systems – A White Paper for the Real World is a “White Paper” that attempts to cut through the confusion and set out a collection of good engineering practice that is both safe and effective. This 37 page technical document is worth to read for everybody who works →
More than a year ago I was approached by an independent filmmaker about light dimmers. The problem fo them was how to get affordable light dimmers to control the film lighting. I was told that many independent non-commmercial filmmakers use a HarborFreight router speed control to dim the lights used for moviemaking. The reason is →
Learn how to roll audio cables to avoid tangling. There are several good videos on Internet which tech you how to do that. How to Set Up PA Systems : How to Roll Audio Cables video gives you instructions how to roll audio cables to avoid tangling and tips on PA sound system setup.V1 Cable →
Ryan Joyce – Arena Show Time Lapse is a video that shows how a magic show is built up. The video starts from unloding the truck and ends with the images from the show. This is how arena shows are built professionally. →
Resistance soldering is a soldering method that sometimes useful for hobby work. In this soldering methid an electrical current is flowed through one work piece, the joint and then the other work piece. Current through a resistances on the way generates heat. Most heat is normally generated on the joint because the resistance there is →
Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems. Google’s Chiller-less Data Center is an article that describes Google elimination of chillers in its data center in Belgium. The facility relies entirely on free air cooling. The maximum temperature in Brussels during summer is lower →
EDN blog articlwe HDMI cables for $2 or $600? mentions article Why are HDMI cables so expensive?. In this article product researchers find little difference between a $10 and a $140 HDMI cable. The result was that the expensive cables may be made with better materials, but they don�t perform digital transmission any better than →
Coldheat is an American company that develops and markets special soldering iron called ColdHeat. ColdHeat iron product was review at ePanorama.net eariler. The secret of that product is a proprietary graphite-like compound called Athalite. The tip of this apparatus is split into two sections that completes an electrical circuit when something of low resistance is →